Manuál:Pywikibot/Tabulka verzí

This page is a translated version of the page Manual:Pywikibot/Version table and the translation is 32% complete.
Větev Pywikibota
Deployed ledna 2025
Poznámka Current branch for developing and testing. Use it on your own risks but any bug reports are welcomed. Stable branch for production systems; updated monthly after passing unit tests. Stable branch for production systems running in Python 2 environment. No longer updated; does not support current Wikimedia sites any longer.
MediaWiki version supported 1.31–1.44 1.27–1.43 1.14–1.35
Verze Pythonu
<= 2.7.3 bez podpory no support
2.7.4 – 2.7.18 OK *)
3.0 – 3.3 bez podpory
3.4 – 3.5 OK *)
3.6.0 – 3.6.15 OK
3.7 no support OK
3.8.0 – 3.8.5 OK
3.8.6 – 3.14, PyPy OK no support

*) Not recommeded. Some modules e.g. gui interface will fail due to vulnerability issues.

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