
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:Pywikibot/Compatibility and the translation is 100% complete.

Tato stránka shrnuje kompatibilitu Pywikibota s Pythonem a s MediaWiki. Pro spuštění robota je aktuálně vyžadován Python 3.7 nebo vyšší , ale doporučuje se Python 3.8 nebo vyšší.

Větve, vydání – tabulka podpory Pythonu

Větev Pywikibota
Deployed ledna 2025
Poznámka Current branch for developing and testing. Use it on your own risks but any bug reports are welcomed. Stable branch for production systems; updated monthly after passing unit tests. Stable branch for production systems running in Python 2 environment. No longer updated; does not support current Wikimedia sites any longer.
MediaWiki version supported 1.31–1.44 1.27–1.43 1.14–1.35
Verze Pythonu
<= 2.7.3 bez podpory no support
2.7.4 – 2.7.18 OK *)
3.0 – 3.3 bez podpory
3.4 – 3.5 OK *)
3.6.0 – 3.6.15 OK
3.7 no support OK
3.8.0 – 3.8.5 OK
3.8.6 – 3.14, PyPy OK no support

Vydání – tabulka podpory Pythonu a MediaWiki

Pywikibot Release date Python MediaWiki
3.0.20190722 2.7, 3.4–3.7 1.14–1.34
3.0.20200111 2.7, 3.4*)–3.8 1.14–1.35
3.0.20200508 2.7, 3.4*)–3.8 1.14–1.35
3.0.20200609 2.7, 3.4*)–3.8 1.14–1.35
2.7, 3.4*)–3.8 1.14–1.35
4.0.0**) 3.5–3.8 1.14–1.35
4.1.0 3.5–3.9 1.14–1.36
4.1.1 3.5–3.9 1.14–1.36
4.2.0 3.5–3.9 1.14–1.36
4.3.0 3.5–3.9 1.14–1.36
5.0.0**) 3.5–3.9 1.19–1.36
5.1.0 3.5–3.9 1.19–1.36
5.2.0 3.5–3.9 1.19–1.36
5.3.0 3.5–3.10 1.19–1.36
5.4.0 3.5–3.10 1.19–1.36
5.5.0 3.5–3.10 1.19–1.36
5.6.0 3.5–3.10 1.19–1.36
6.0.0**) 3.5–3.10 1.23–1.36
6.0.1 3.5–3.10 1.23–1.36
6.1.0 3.5–3.10 1.23–1.36
6.2.0 3.5–3.10 1.23–1.36
6.3.0 3.5–3.10 1.23–1.36
6.4.0 3.5–3.10 1.23–1.36
6.5.0 3.5–3.10 1.23–1.36
6.6.0 3.5–3.10 1.23–1.36
6.6.1 3.5–3.10 1.23–1.37
6.6.2 3.5–3.10 1.23–1.37
6.6.3 3.5–3.10 1.23–1.37
6.6.4 3.5–3.10 1.23–1.37
6.6.5 3.5–3.10 1.23–1.37
7.0.0**) 3.5.3–3.11, PyPy 1.23–1.38
7.1.0 3.5.3–3.11, PyPy 1.23–1.39
7.1.1 3.5.3–3.11, PyPy 1.23–1.39
7.2.0 3.5.3–3.11, PyPy 1.23–1.39
7.2.1 3.5.3–3.11, PyPy 1.23–1.39
7.3.0 3.5.3–3.11, PyPy 1.23–1.39
7.4.0 3.5.3–3.11, PyPy 1.23–1.39
7.5.0 3.5.3–3.11, PyPy 1.23–1.39
7.5.1 3.5.3–3.11, PyPy 1.23–1.39
7.5.2 3.5.3–3.11, PyPy 1.23–1.39
7.6.0 3.5.3–3.11, PyPy 1.23–1.39
7.7.0 3.5.3–3.11, PyPy 1.23–1.39
7.7.1 3.5.3–3.11, PyPy 1.23–1.39
7.7.2 3.5.3–3.11, PyPy 1.23–1.39
7.7.3 3.5.3–3.11, PyPy 1.23–1.39
8.0.0**) 3.6.1–3.12, PyPy 1.27–1.40
8.0.1 3.6.1–3.12, PyPy 1.27–1.40
8.0.2 3.6.1–3.12, PyPy 1.27–1.40
8.0.3 3.6.1–3.12, PyPy 1.27–1.40
8.0.4 3.6.1–3.12, PyPy 1.27–1.40
8.1.0 3.6.1–3.12, PyPy 1.27–1.41
8.1.1 3.6.1–3.12, PyPy 1.27–1.41
8.1.2 3.6.1–3.12, PyPy 1.27–1.41
8.2.0 3.6.1–3.12, PyPy 1.27–1.41
8.3.0 3.6.1–3.12, PyPy 1.27–1.41
8.3.1 3.6.1–3.12, PyPy 1.27–1.41
8.3.2 3.6.1–3.12, PyPy 1.27–1.41
8.3.3 3.6.1–3.12, PyPy 1.27–1.41
8.4.0 3.6.1–3.12, PyPy 1.27–1.41
8.5.0 3.6.1–3.12, PyPy 1.27–1.41
8.5.1 3.6.1–3.12, PyPy 1.27–1.41
8.6.0 3.6.1–3.12, PyPy 1.27–1.41
9.0.0 **) 3.7–3.13, PyPy 1.27–1.42
3.7–3.13, PyPy 1.27–1.43
9.1.1 3.7–3.13, PyPy 1.27–1.43
9.1.2 3.7–3.13, PyPy 1.27–1.43
9.1.3 3.7–3.13, PyPy 1.27–1.43
9.2.0 3.7–3.13, PyPy 1.27–1.43
9.2.1 3.7–3.13, PyPy 1.27–1.43
9.3.0 3.7–3.13, PyPy 1.27–1.43
9.3.1 3.7–3.13, PyPy 1.27–1.43
9.4.0***) 3.7–3.14, PyPy 1.27–1.43
9.4.1 3.7–3.14, PyPy 1.27–1.43
9.5.0 3.7–3.14, PyPy 1.27–1.43
9.6.0 3.7–3.14, PyPy 1.27–1.44
3.7–3.14, PyPy 1.27–1.44
3.8–3.14, PyPy 1.31–1.44

*) Already desupported and not tested.
**) Breaking change where most deprecations are dropped.
***) Minimal requirement for pywikibot-scripts package.