
Available from version ??? (Gerrit change 75154)
This hook is called during the cross-wiki login process when the user is redirected back to the original wiki.
Define function:
public static function onCentralAuthSilentLoginRedirect( CentralAuthUser $centralUser, string &$url, array $info ) { ... }
Attach hook:
$wgHooks['CentralAuthSilentLoginRedirect'][] = 'MyExtensionHooks::onCentralAuthSilentLoginRedirect';
Called from:File(s): CentralAuth / includes/specials/SpecialCentralLogin.php
Function(s): doLoginStart

For more information about attaching hooks, see Manual:Hooks .
For examples of other extensions using this hook, see Category:CentralAuthSilentLoginRedirect extensions.

This hook is called during the cross-wiki login process when the user is redirected back to the original wiki. It can be used to modify the redirect URL. The new URL must still point to Special:CentralLogin/complete. In practice, this is used for mobile domains.


  • $centralUser: An instance of CentralAuthUser
  • &$url: A modifiable string, representing a full URL to [[Special:CentralLogin/complete]], returns a protocol-relative URL if needed (as provided by WikiReference::getFullURL())
  • $info: A mixed value containing token information, or false if the value was not found or an error occurred (as provided by CentralAuthUtils::getKeyValueUponExistence())