
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:GenerateLocalAutoload.php and the translation is 42% complete.
MediaWiki Versions:
1.25 – 1.40
Renamed to generateAutoload.php in MW 1.41


generateLocalAutoload.php was a maintenance script that generates a local autoload file. It was renamed to Manual:generateAutoload.php in MediaWiki 1.41. MediaWiki follows the psr-4 namespace to load the classes. This script generates and dumps the $wgAutoloadLocalClasses (autoload mapping) in autoload.php in the root of the MediaWiki directory.


Dieses Skript nimmt keine Optionen an.


$ php maintenance/run.php generateLocalAutoload
This script does not give any output on stdout. If you don't get an error, it means the script ran successfully.
In MediaWiki version 1.39.10 and earlier, you must invoke maintenance scripts using php maintenance/scriptName.php instead of php maintenance/run.php scriptName.

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