Manual:Gallery of user styles/Hit Counter Heading

(download link not provided)
  • Based on: Monobook
  • Author: Renmiri
  • Compatible with MediaWiki version(s): (unknown)
  • Last updated: (unknown)
  • Description: Just a tiny tweak on the layout, but it shows you where to add text or content to the top header line.

To add stuff to the header just go to Monobook.php and find

<div class="portlet" id="p-personal">
   <h5><?php $this->msg('personaltools') ?></h5>
   <div class="pBody">

And add your stuff right after the UL tag, in my case:

<?php if($this->data['viewcount' ]) { ?>
<li id="f-viewcount"><?php  $this->html('viewcount')  ?></li>
<?php } ?>

<?php if($this->data['numberofwatchingusers' ]) { ?>
<li id="f-numberofwatchingusers"><?php $this->html('numberofwatchingusers') ?></li>
<?php } ?>

Test it yourself here