Arquivo MediaWiki: dumpBackup.php | |
Local: | maintenance/ |
Código fonte: | master • 1.43.0 • 1.42.5 • 1.39.11 |
Classes: | DumpBackup |
dumpBackup.php file creates an XML dump for export or backup. XML dumps contain the content of the wiki (wiki pages with all their revisions), without the site-related data. DumpBackup.php does not create a full backup of the wiki database, the dump does not contain user accounts, images, deleted revisions, etc.[1] Once the dump is completed, you can import the XML dump.
General examples
You must choose a name for the data dump.
For example, with this command, you are saving the revision history of all pages (--full
) into a file named dump.xml
php dumpBackup.php --full > pagedump.xml
You can also include the uploaded files by doing:
php dumpBackup.php --full --include-files --uploads > page-and-filedump.xml
- For more details on this dump.xml example, see Detailed example below.
You can restrict the data dump to one namespace. In this example, there are only templates with their current revision:
php dumpBackup.php --current --quiet --filter=namespace:10 > templates.xml
or templates with all of their revisions:
php dumpBackup.php --full --quiet --filter=namespace:10 > templates.xml
To include multiple namespaces with their current revision:
php dumpBackup.php --current --quiet --filter=namespace:10,11 > templates_plus_template_talk.xml
To also include files when filtering by certain namespaces:
php dumpBackup.php --current --quiet --filter=namespace:0,1,6 --include-files --uploads > main_plus_talk_plus_files.xml
Example usage of a plugin:
php dumpBackup.php \
--plugin=AbstractFilter:extensions/ActiveAbstract/AbstractFilter.php \
--current \
--output=gzip:/dumps/abstract.xml.gz \
--filter=namespace:NS_MAIN \
--filter=noredirect \
--filter=abstract \
php dumpBackup.php \
--plugin=MathMLFilter:../extensions/MathSearch/maintenance/MathMLFilter.php \
--current \
--filter=namespace:NS_MAIN \
--filter=mathml \
The --stub
option can be used with dumpTextPass.php .
To --include-files
php dumpBackup.php \
--full \
--include-files \
--uploads \
--output=gzip:/dumps/abstract.xml.gz \
The --uploads
option must also be used. Otherwise, no files will be included.
Exemplo detalhado
In this example Green text is text you type in.
- Redirect to the maintenance folder using the cd command. The location of your maintenance folder will vary from this example.
- Type in php dumpBackup.php --full > /var/tmp/dump.xml and press enter. A long list of code is created, similar to the example below.
user@server:/$ cd /var/www/html/wiki/w/maintenance user@server:/var/www/html/wiki/w/maintenance$ php dumpBackup.php --full > /var/tmp/dump.xml 2014-08-15 09:54:08: my_wiki-finddcjobs (ID 23578) 0 pages (0.0|0.0/sec all|curr), 100 revs (404.7|404.7/sec all|curr), ETA 2014-08-15 09:54:11 [max 1143] 2014-08-15 09:54:08: my_wiki-finddcjobs (ID 23578) 0 pages (0.0|0.0/sec all|curr), 200 revs (499.7|652.8/sec all|curr), ETA 2014-08-15 09:54:10 [max 1143] 2014-08-15 09:54:08: my_wiki-finddcjobs (ID 23578) 10 pages (19.2|83.8/sec all|curr), 300 revs (577.4|838.3/sec all|curr), ETA 2014-08-15 09:54:10 [max 1143] 2014-08-15 09:54:08: my_wiki-finddcjobs (ID 23578) 17 pages (24.1|91.4/sec all|curr), 400 revs (567.0|537.9/sec all|curr), ETA 2014-08-15 09:54:10 [max 1143] 2014-08-15 09:54:09: my_wiki-finddcjobs (ID 23578) 18 pages (15.6|40.2/sec all|curr), 500 revs (433.4|223.1/sec all|curr), ETA 2014-08-15 09:54:10 [max 1143] 2014-08-15 09:54:09: my_wiki-finddcjobs (ID 23578) 23 pages (15.4|66.8/sec all|curr), 600 revs (400.6|290.5/sec all|curr), ETA 2014-08-15 09:54:11 [max 1143] 2014-08-15 09:54:09: my_wiki-finddcjobs (ID 23578) 59 pages (36.0|412.4/sec all|curr), 700 revs (426.6|699.0/sec all|curr), ETA 2014-08-15 09:54:10 [max 1143] 2014-08-15 09:54:09: my_wiki-finddcjobs (ID 23578) 62 pages (36.2|856.3/sec all|curr), 800 revs (466.9|1381.2/sec all|curr), ETA 2014-08-15 09:54:10 [max 1143] 2014-08-15 09:54:10: my_wiki-finddcjobs (ID 23578) 89 pages (48.8|798.3/sec all|curr), 900 revs (493.2|896.9/sec all|curr), ETA 2014-08-15 09:54:10 [max 1143] 2014-08-15 09:54:10: my_wiki-finddcjobs (ID 23578) 120 pages (62.4|1224.2/sec all|curr), 1000 revs (520.1|1020.2/sec all|curr), ETA 2014-08-15 09:54:10 [max 1143] 2014-08-15 09:54:10: my_wiki-finddcjobs (ID 23578) 124 pages (59.0|697.5/sec all|curr), 1100 revs (523.7|562.5/sec all|curr), ETA 2014-08-15 09:54:10 [max 1143] user@server:/var/www/html/wiki/w/maintenance$ |
The new xml file will be created in the maintenance folder (you may need to refresh your SCP to see the xml file).
As of MediaWiki 1.39:
This script dumps the wiki page or logging database into an XML interchange wrapper format for export or backup.
XML output is sent to stdout; progress reports are sent to stderr.
WARNING: this is not a full database dump! It is merely for public export of your wiki. For full backup, see our online help at:
Usage: php dumpBackup.php [--7ziplevel|--conf|--current|--dbgroupdefault|--dbpass|--dbuser|--end|--filter|--full|--globals|--help|--include-files|--logs|--memory-limit|--namespaces|--orderrevs|--output|--pagelist|--plugin|--profiler|--quiet|--report|--revend|--revrange|--revstart|--schema-version|--server|--skip-footer|--skip-header|--stable|--start|--stub|--uploads|--wiki]
Generic maintenance parameters:
--help (-h): Display this help message
--quiet (-q): Whether to suppress non-error output
Script dependent parameters:
--dbgroupdefault: The default DB group to use.
--dbpass: The password to use for this script
--dbuser: The DB user to use for this script
Script specific parameters:
--7ziplevel: 7zip compression level for all 7zip outputs. Used for -mx option to 7za command.
--conf: Location of LocalSettings.php, if not default
--current: Dump only the latest revision of every page.
--end: Stop before page_id or log_id n (exclusive)
--filter: Add a filter on an output branch. Specify as <type>[:<options>]. <types>s: latest, notalk, namespace
--full: Dump all revisions of every page
--globals: Output globals at the end of processing for debugging
--include-files: Include files within the XML stream
--logs: Dump all log events
--memory-limit: Set a specific memory limit for the script, "max" for no limit or "default" to avoid changing it
--namespaces: Limit to this comma-separated list of namespace numbers
--orderrevs: Dump revisions in ascending revision order (implies dump of a range of pages)
--output (-o): Begin a filtered output stream; Specify as <type>:<file>. <type>s: file, gzip, bzip2, 7zip, dbzip2, lbzip2
--pagelist: Dump only pages included in the file
--plugin: Load a dump plugin class. Specify as <class>[:<file>].
--profiler: Profiler output format (usually "text")
--report: Report position and speed after every n pages processed. Default: 100.
--revend: Stop before rev_id n (exclusive)
--revrange: Dump range of revisions specified by revstart and revend parameters
--revstart: Start from rev_id
--schema-version: Schema version to use for output. Default: 0.11
--server: The protocol and server name to use in URLs, e.g. This is sometimes necessary because server name detection may fail in command line scripts.
--skip-footer: Don't output the </mediawiki> footer
--skip-header: Don't output the <mediawiki> header
--stable: Dump stable versions of pages
--start: Start from page_id or log_id
--stub: Don't perform old_text lookups; for 2-pass dump
--uploads: Include upload records without files
--wiki: For specifying the wiki ID
This script connects to the database using the username and password defined by $wgDBadminuser and $wgDBadminpassword , which are normally set in LocalSettings.php .
Usually $wgDBadminuser is a user with more privileges than the one in $wgDBuser , but for running dumpBackup.php
no extra privileges are required, so the usernames and passwords may be the same.
If the variables are not set, dumpBackup.php
will fail when trying to connect to the database:
$ php dumpBackup.php --full DB connection error: Unknown error
The XML file is sent to standard output (stdout); progress reports are sent to standard error (stderr). These are the default output and the output device for errors. When you call the script from the shell, then both outputs should by default be sent to the shell, meaning: You should see "informational" output and errors directly on screen.
Mensagens de erro
If you are not in the correct folder, you will receive this message:
No input file specified.
The dumpBackup script says "Warning: Division by zero in [DIRECTORY]/maintenance/
" when the parameter after "--report" evaluates as 0 or not-a-number.
The fix is to run dumpBackup without the "--report" option; then dumpBackup will print a status line every 100 pages processed.
Recommended configuration settings
should be set to 0, to avoid inserting all revisions into the object cache. Most of them won't benefit from being stored in the cache because your readers normally won't view random old revisions of pages on your wiki.
Ver também
- Back up de uma wiki
- Importando despejos de XML
- Parameters to Special:Export
- wikitech:Dumps/Software dependencies
- Examples and wrapper scripts
- xmldumps-backup contains scripts used by the Wikimedia Foundation, python scripts have some documentation; see also wikitech:Category:Dumps (some examples on wikitech:Dumps/Rerunning_a_job#Other_stuff for now).
- Wikia's WikiFactory/Dumps
- ↑ O arquivo DumpBackup.php cria um invólucro de intercâmbio XML.