
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:$wgBotPasswordsDatabase and the translation is 9% complete.
Accès: $wgBotPasswordsDatabase
Nom de la base de données pour la table bot_passwords
Introduit dans la version :1.27.0 (Gerrit change 259066; git #Iaa4015e)
Obsolète dans la version :1.42.0 (Gerrit change 976765; git #be5593b1)
Retiré dans la version :Encore utilisé
Valeurs autorisées :(string) or false
Valeur par défaut :false


Define the database name for the bot_passwords table for use with the new bot authentication system. To use a database with a table prefix, set this variable to "{$database}-{$prefix}". If set to "false", the regular database will be used. Note that $wgEnableBotPasswords must be set to "true" (which is the default) for this to work.

The goal of this variable is to support cross-wiki sharing of bot passwords: the bot_passwords table references users by their central IDs so only one instance of the table should exist in the whole wikifarm.

This configuration parameter was introduced in Gerrit change 259066 (T121113).

See also