
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:$wgNoFollowLinks and the translation is 42% complete.
Parser: $wgNoFollowLinks
값이 true인 경우, 외부링크의 속성에는 rel="nofollow"가 부여됩니다.
이 변수가 소개된 버전:1.4.0 (r7174)
이 변수가 사라진 버전:계속해서 쓰이고 있음

자세한 설명

If true, external URL links in wiki text will be given the rel="nofollow" attribute as a hint to search engines that they should not be followed for ranking purposes as they are user-supplied and thus subject to spamming. Defaults to true.

It may be desirable to configure MW to append rel="nofollow" to internal links that point to pages that haven't yet been written (so-called "red links") for various reasons that include avoiding unnecessary crawler traffic to non-extant pages or for the possibility of improved SEO by avoiding punitive action against a site's ranking due to the presence of "broken links" that aren't broken, just not yet authored.

This may be accomplished by using the HtmlPageLinkRendererEnd hook as follows:

// Add rel="nofollow" to links to pages that don't exist (redlinks)
$wgHooks['HtmlPageLinkRendererEnd'][] = 'noFollowRedLinks';
function noFollowRedLinks(
    $linkRenderer, $target, $isKnown, &$text, &$attribs, &$ret)
    if (!$isKnown && preg_match('/\bnew\b/S', $attribs['class'] ?? "")) {
        $attribs['rel'] = 'nofollow';
    return true;

같이 보기

  • meta:nofollow, Meta-Wiki discussion on nofollow's use on Wikimedia sites. Some of the arguments raised there may also applicable to other wikis' decisions concerning this configuration setting.