Timezone settings: $wgLocaltimezone | |
Fake out the timezone that the server thinks it's in. |
이 변수가 소개된 버전: | 1.4.0 (r773) |
이 변수가 사라진 버전: | 계속해서 쓰이고 있음 |
허용값: | (문자열) 또는 null |
기본값: | null |
기타 설정: 알파벳 순 | 기능별 순 |
Set the timezone for the wiki.
It will be used when generating ~~~~
signatures, and as the default timezone for dates in page history, logs etc. (this can be overridden in user preferences).
Setting the variable to null
will set the displayed time zone to the server's default.
See https://www.php.net/timezones for the list of valid time zones.
- 예시들 (참고로 한국은 'Asia/Seoul')
$wgLocaltimezone = 'UTC';
$wgLocaltimezone = 'Asia/Kolkata';
$wgLocaltimezone = 'America/New_York';
Please refer to Manual:Timezone for more information.