Suche: $wgAdvancedSearchHighlighting | |
Set to true to have more useful text snippets in search results. |
Eingeführt in Version: | 1.13.0 (r34210) |
Entfernt in Version: | Weiterhin vorhanden |
Erlaubte Werte: | (Wahrheitswert) |
Standardwert: | false |
Andere Einstellungen: Alphabetisch | Nach Funktion |
Nutzen Sie diese Option, um mehr Textausschnitte in den Suchergebnissen zu finden. $wgAdvancedSearchHighlighting basically does not really change the way a search hit is highlighted. In so far the option is poorly named. What it in fact does change is which part(s) of a result page get(s) displayed: Without $wgAdvancedSearchHighlighting set, irrelevant parts might show up while with $wgAdvancedSearchHighlighting set to true, the places of the exact hits are more likely to be displayed. Off by default due to execution overhead.