let cmd_dvips tmpprefix = "dvips -R -E -q \"" ^ tmpprefix ^ ".dvi\" -f >\"" ^tmpprefix^".ps\" "
let cmd_latex tmpprefix = "latex  -quiet \"" ^ tmpprefix ^ ".tex\" >\""^tmpprefix^".tmp\" "
let cmd_convert tmpprefix finalpath = "convert -quality 100 -density 120 \"ps:"^tmpprefix^".ps\" \""^finalpath^"\""
let cmd_dvipng tmpprefix finalpath = "dvipng -gamma 1.5 -D 120 -T tight --strict \"" ^ tmpprefix ^ ".dvi\" -o \"" ^finalpath^"\" >\""^tmpprefix^".tmp2\" "
exception ExternalCommandFailure of string
let render tmppath finalpath outtex md5 =
  let tmpprefix0 = (string_of_int (Unix.getpid ()))^"_"^md5 in
    let tmpprefix = (tmppath^"\\"^tmpprefix0) in
    let unlink_all () =
        Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ ".dvi"); 
        Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ ".aux");
        Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ ".log");
        Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ ".tex");
        Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ ".ps");
        Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ ".tmp");
        Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ ".tmp2");
        Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ ".tmp3");
      end in
    let f = (Util.open_out_unless_exists (tmpprefix ^ ".tex")) in
        output_string f (Texutil.get_preface ());
        output_string f outtex;
        output_string f (Texutil.get_footer ());
        close_out f;
        if Util.run_in_other_directory tmppath (cmd_latex tmpprefix0) != 0
        then (unlink_all (); raise (ExternalCommandFailure "latex"))
        else if (Sys.command (cmd_dvipng tmpprefix (finalpath^"\\"^md5^".png")) != 0)
        then (if (Sys.command (cmd_dvips tmpprefix) != 0)
        then (unlink_all (); raise (ExternalCommandFailure "dvips"))
        else if (Sys.command (cmd_convert tmpprefix (finalpath^"\\"^md5^".png")) != 0)
        then (unlink_all (); raise (ExternalCommandFailure "convert"))
        else unlink_all ())
        else unlink_all ()

maybe this will not cause error after compile, differences in bold

let cmd_dvips tmpprefix = "dvips -R -E -q \"" ^ tmpprefix ^ ".dvi\" -f >\"" ^tmpprefix^".ps\" "
let cmd_latex tmpprefix = "latex  -quiet \"" ^ tmpprefix ^ ".tex\" >\""^tmpprefix^".tmp\" "
(* Putting -transparent white in converts arguments will sort-of give you transperancy *)
let cmd_convert tmpprefix finalpath = "convert -quality 100 -density 120 \"ps:"^tmpprefix^".ps\" \""^finalpath^"\""
(* Putting -bg Transparent in dvipng's arguments will give full-alpha transparency *)
(* Note that IE have problems with such PNGs and need an additional javascript snippet *)
(* Putting -bg transparent in dvipng's arguments will give binary transparency *)
let cmd_dvipng tmpprefix finalpath backcolor = "dvipng -gamma 1.5 -D 120 -T tight --strict \"" ^ tmpprefix ^ ".dvi\" -o \"" ^finalpath^"\" >\""^tmpprefix^".tmp2\" " 
exception ExternalCommandFailure of string
let render tmppath finalpath outtex md5 backcolor =
  let tmpprefix0 = (string_of_int (Unix.getpid ()))^"_"^md5 in
    let tmpprefix = (tmppath^"\\"^tmpprefix0) in
    let unlink_all () =
        Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ ".dvi"); 
        Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ ".aux");
        Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ ".log");
        Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ ".tex");
        Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ ".ps");
        Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ ".tmp");
        Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ ".tmp2");
        Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ ".tmp3");
      end in
    let f = (Util.open_out_unless_exists (tmpprefix ^ ".tex")) in
        output_string f (Texutil.get_preface ());
        output_string f outtex;
        output_string f (Texutil.get_footer ());
        close_out f;
        if Util.run_in_other_directory tmppath (cmd_latex tmpprefix0) != 0
        then (unlink_all (); raise (ExternalCommandFailure "latex"))
        else if (Sys.command (cmd_dvipng tmpprefix (finalpath^"/"^md5^".png") backcolor) != 0)
        then (if (Sys.command (cmd_dvips tmpprefix) != 0)
        then (unlink_all (); raise (ExternalCommandFailure "dvips"))
        else if (Sys.command (cmd_convert tmpprefix (finalpath^"\\"^md5^".png")) != 0)
        then (unlink_all (); raise (ExternalCommandFailure "convert"))
        else unlink_all ())
        else unlink_all ()