The release board (with the grouping columns) will be kept prioritized
At the time of sprint planning, the high priority items from the release board (a judicious number) are picked
After identifying the sprint items, they can be reprioritized within the sprint board. It is preferable that a maximum of 1/3rd number of the total tickets are of high priority
Unplanned feature items are not brought into the sprint
If someone finishes their planned tasks ahead of time, then they can choose from the prioritized tickets in the bugs column on the release board
If new feature requests are received during the sprint, then it has to go into the release board (either the current or the next) and prioritized for consideration in a subsequent sprint.
New bugs are added to the bugs column on the release board
16 hours for each sprint will be reserved for non-CX projects (this may change based on effectiveness)
The primary projects that fall under this group are Translate and ULS. For both of these projects, a list of candidate tasks that can be attempted during the 16 allotted hours of each sprint needs to be prepared from the phabricator/github backlog.
During the mid-sprint meeting or sprint planning meeting or over email, these tasks are presented and, depending on priority and availability of people, they are included in the sprint.
If for any sprint, no candidate tasks are identified then the team is free to reuse these 16 hours for Content Translation or other tasks.
For major feature work, the requirements need to be worked out by the PM with the responsible SE and UX team member so that it can be planned and scheduled in a meaningful way