Language Testing Plan/ULS Manual Integration Test Steps

Universal Language Selector - Integration Tests


These are a set of test steps that can be used to test some of the important parts of the Universal Language Selector (ULS) user interface.

Before beginning the tests:

  1. Go to:
  2. Create an account
  3. Log-in

Prerequisites: All the tests are for logged-in users only

I. ULS Tests – Activation and Deactivation



  • Click on the small cog icon on the side-bar."

1 Do you see a panel open up?
2 Does the screen scroll to display the panel completely?


  • With the panel open, click on the cog icon.

3 Does the panel close?

II. ULS Tests – Language Settings Panel – Initial Settings


Before the start of the tests the language of the interface will be English. You would be required to change to your preferred language during the tests.
The following tests will test the initial settings of the panel and we recommend that you run them without changing the original language i.e. English.
If 'English' is not the default language, please use 'setlang=en' at the end of the URL to set it


  • Open the Panel by clicking on the cog icon (please ensure that you are still logged-in):"

4 Is the ‘Display’ option on the left side highlighted?
5 Is the ‘Language’ tab on the top highlighted?
6 "Are the messages on the screen translated in your language?
(Note: The tests are tailored to be sent to users of particular languages and this test is to check if for some reason the ULS settings are borked for a first time user on the beta instance who will be seeing English as the default language.)

III. ULS Tests – Language Settings Panel – Display Settings


(Before the start of the tests, the ‘Display’ option and the ‘Language’ tab should be selected by default.)


  • Open the Panel by clicking on the cog icon (please ensure that you are still logged-in).

7 Do you see 3 buttons with names of languages?
8 Does the first button display the option for ‘English’?
9 Does the 4th button display ‘...’?

IV. ULS Tests – Language Settings Panel – Language Change


Open the Panel by clicking on the cog icon (please ensure that you are still logged-in).
The ‘Display’ option and the ‘Language’ tab should be selected by default for the following tests.
You may have to close and reopen the panel several during the tests.


  • Click on the 2nd button that is displayed after ‘English’.

10 Do the messages inside the panel change to this newly selected language?

  • Click on the ‘Cancel’ button and close the panel."

11 Do you see the messages at the top near your username in this new language?
12 Do you see the messages on the sidebar in this new language?


  • Please reopen the panel by clicking on the cog icon.
  • Click on the 2nd button that is displayed after ‘English’.
  • Click on the ‘Apply Settings’ button. The panel should close and the page will reload

13 Observe the messages at the top of the page near your username. Are the messages in this newly selected language?
14 Observe the messages on the sidebar. Are the messages in this newly selected language?


  • Click on the cog icon and reopen the panel.
  • Click on the 4th button with the ‘...’."

15 Do you see another panel opening up with more languages?


  • Select a language from the language selection panel (it must not be any of the 2 languages that are already present in the 2nd and 3rd buttons).

16 After the panel closes do you see this new language added to one of the buttons on the display panel?


  • Click on the button for this newly selected language.
  • Click ‘apply settings’.
  • After the panel closes, observe the messages at the top near your username and on the sidebar. "

17 Are both the messages displayed in this new language?

V. ULS Tests – Language Settings Panel – Font Change [ENGLISH only]


Open the Panel by clicking on the cog icon (please ensure that you are still logged-in).
The ‘Display’ option should be selected for the following tests.
Using first button on the ‘Languages’ tab please select the language ‘English’ and apply settings.
Reopen the panel by clicking on the cog icon.
You may have to close and reopen the panel several during the tests.


  • Click the ‘Font’ tab on the ‘Display’ screen."

18 Do you see the ‘font settings’ panel?
19 Do you see a 1 dropdown box to select the English font?
20 Do you see any other dropdown box?


  • Click on the dropdown box for select the English font."

21 Do you see ‘OpenDyslexic’ in the list?

  • Click on ‘OpenDyslexic’ to select the font. (You can change to the earlier font after completing this test)"

22 Do you see the font being changed on the interface?

VI. ULS Tests – Language Settings Panel – Font Change [ENGLISH and non-ENGLISH]


Return to the ‘Display’ -> ‘Languages’ tab and select a language other than language ‘English’. Apply the settings to make the change.
Please confirm that the interface language has changed.
Reopen the panel by clicking on the cog icon.
You may have to close and reopen the panel several during the tests.


  • Click the ‘Font’ tab on the ‘Display’ screen."

23 Are the messages on this screen translated to the currently selected language?
24 Do you see 2 dropdown boxes?
25 Does the first dropdown box allow font selection for English?
26 Does the 2nd dropdown box allow font selection for the currently selected interface language?
27 Do you see any other dropdown box?


  • Click on the 2nd dropdown box i.e. for the currently selected language."

28 Do you see fonts listed?
(Skip this test, if there are no fonts for the currently selected language. Alternatively, you can choose a different language to test).


  • Click on one of the fonts in the list to select the font (this should not be the ‘ext-uls-webfonts-system-fonts’ option)."

29 Do you see the font being changed on the interface?

VII. ULS Tests – Input Settings


Open the Panel by clicking on the cog icon (please ensure that you are still logged-in).
You may have to close and reopen the panel several times during the tests.


  • Select the ‘Input’ option from the left menu.

30 Are the messages on this screen translated to the currently selected language?
31 Do you see 3 buttons with names of languages?
32 Does the first button display the option for ‘English’?
33 Does the 4th button display ‘...’?


  • Click on the button that says ‘English’. "

34 Do you see a set of 2 options displayed below the button?
35 Is the last option in the set to ‘Use native keyboard’ selected by default?
36 Do you see a button below the options to ‘disable the input methods’?


  • Click on the 'Disable input method' button. "

37 Do you see the option set disappear?
38 Does the button now have a message to ‘enable the input method’?
39 Is the message on this toggle button translated to the currently selected language?


  • Select the language displayed in the second button, by clicking on the button."

40 Do you see the input method options change?
41 Does the last option in this new set still say “Use native keyboard’?


  • Click on the 4th button with the ‘...’."

42 Do you see another panel opening up with more languages?


  • Select a language from the language selection panel (it should not be any of the 2 languages that are already present in the 2nd and 3rd buttons). "

43 After the language selection panel closes, do you see this new language added to one of the buttons on the display panel? Yes No (Comments)


  • Select this new language, by clicking on the button.

44 Do you see the input method options change?
45 Does the last option in this new set still say “Use native keyboard’?

(Skip the following test, if there are no input methods for the currently selected language. Alternatively, you can choose a different language to test).
Click on any one of the input method options (not the last option to disable). 
Apply settings. The panel will close.


  • Click on the search text box at the top of the screen and write a word of your choice

46 Do you see the text written in the selected language?
47 Do you see the text being written according to the selected input method?
(If you are unfamiliar with the input method or unsure, please choose ‘no’ and mention the language and input method that you had selected)


  • Reopen the panel using the cog icon and navigate to the Input settings panel.

48 Do you see the selected language highlighted?
49 Do you see the last selected input method still selected in the options?

VII. ULS Tests – Input Settings - Keyboard Menu


Open the Language Settings Panel by clicking on the cog icon.
Please ensure that the input methods are enabled in the 'Input Settings'
You may have to close and reopen the panel several times during the tests.


  • Click on the search textbox at the top of the page
  • Click on the keyboard menu using the keyboard icon
  • Click on the 'Disable Input Methods' menu item next to the cog icon at the very bottom on the menu
  • Click on the 'cog' icon on the sidebar and open the ""Input Settings"""

50 Do you see the Input method option disabled in the "Input Settings' panel