Kubernetes SIG/Meetings/2024-11-26



  • DPE might be happy to put some stuff on the table for a session in 2025 around Ceph/CSI stuff
  • Code review - How are teams deciding when self +2 is acceptable and when it isn’t.
    • JM: down to each engineer to decide about each patch; does it hurt to wait etc.
    • BT: We are working on some airflow stuff and are doing some full CD
    • Overall consensus seems to be ‘+2 where it makes sense and you feel like you know the blast radius/what can go wrong’. We don’t have explicit guidelines
    • BT: DPE has recently implemented a (semi) mandatory +1 policy for the airflow-dags repository: airflow-dags!933 and T368033#10358512 - this comes about because the Airflow migration to dse-k8s uses continuous deployment, instead of scap deploys.
  • Upgrade: targeting version 1.31 of Kubernetes (from 1.23)

Action items

  • BT to coordinate something around Ceph and CSI drivers for the next meeting