Inuka team (Archive)/Community Events Reports

Wikimania 2023, Singapore


Sudhanshu attended Wikimania in Singapore in August 2023. This was a unique experience offering a variety of valuable perspective.  The discussions around artificial intelligence were noteworthy; they offered a balanced view of both the challenges and opportunities AI brings to the table.

Diving into different Wikimedia projects like Wikisource, Wikidata was another highlight. These sessions served as quick refreshers to think about new use cases. For example, the workshop on digitizing manuscripts offered interesting insights into the process, and the discussions on Wikidata presented a range of innovative applications. Open discussions about various issues such as gender gap and content representation within the movement were also valuable. These discussions added depth to understanding of the community's complexities. At the end, Wikimania brought a feeling of being more connected to the movement, gaining a deeper understanding and commitment to its collective goals.

At Wikimedia Hackathon Athens

Wikimedia Hackathon 2023, Athens, Greece


Eduardo Medina attended the Wikimedia hackathon in May 2023. It was a great experience to connect with other MediaWiki developers in person for the first time and meet colleagues from Language and other teams. Eduardo worked on improvements to the Wikipedia Library and attended a Wikibase Cloud session (one learning from the latter: Wikibase is kinda like what MediaWiki is to Wikipedia, Wikidata is based on top of Wikibase). Eduardo helped community member Diego on enabling Wikipedia Previews via bookmarklets (which was a great idea by Diego to empower users to have more ways to use Wikipedia Preview).( Video minute 39;45 ) Also the Inuka team found Wikipedia section summaries of interest ahead of the scoping of the 1st hypothesis experimentation.

Purity Waigi at a Panel Discussion

Wikiconference India 2023, Hyderabad India


Inuka team representatives Runa Bhattacharjee and Purity Waigi attended Wiki Conference India, 2023 in Hyderabad, India. Purity contributed in a panel discussion session on Role of Technology in Open Knowledge where she spoke about how design, product development and technology building can help in building sustainable communities across our region.

Purity Waigi at Wikistories workshop

Wikindaba 2022, Kigali, Rwanda


Inuka team representatives Purity Waigi  & Mary Munyoki attended Wikindaba 2022 in Kigali, Rwanda. Among other presentations we attended, this was a chance to host a session to share about the work our team has been doing in building for audiences that have the ability to benefit from digital information and services in a format that fits their access pattern through exploring new form factors. This was also an opportunity to engage and receive feedback on Wikistories. Participants provided feedback around 3 questions collected on retroboard

1) What did you like about Wikistories

2) What can be considered about Wikistories

3) What value you see in Wikistories

Questions asked
What did you like about Wikistories
  • Easy to understand with visuals
  • Intuitive, easy and fun to build a story
  • Somehow difficult but fun
  • It’s easy to use it
  • The art of having a beautiful crafted story about Wikipedia articles and get it linked back
  • Easy to participate
  • Important but hard to understand
  • It is very interesting and can connect me with other Wikipedians
What can be considered about Wikistories
  • Videography would greatly improve
  • The white text box blocks the image. Text can be white with 1px 1px, black shadow and do away or blur out the white text box
  • Animate the image based on the length of the short to give it more life. E.g an image could start in zoomed in state and end in a zoomed out state
  • If the stories don’t expire that’s fine. But is there a limit to the number of stories an article can have?
  • Have you considered Wikistories to make sure the stories make sense and impart as much knowledge in a short period of time
  • Ensuring a proper attribution is given and a perfect redirect
What value you see in Wikistories
  • Knowledge sharing with ease
  • Fun knowledge sharing

WikiNusantara, 2022,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Bona - WikiNusantara 2022 5 Juni 2022

WikiNusantara, 2022 Inuka team Product Ambassador, Bonaventura Aditya Perdana, attended WikiNusantara 2022. WikiNusantara 2022 is a conference held by Wikimedia Indonesia to gather all Indonesian Wikimedia contributors for learning, sharing, and getting to know each other. This event took place on Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia on 4-5th July 2022 and attended by 68 participants from around Indonesia. This was an opportunity for us to host a session on Wikistories. Session started by Bonaventura for sharing information regarding Wikistories creation background and showcase about Wikistories features. After that, Bonaventura led the demo about creating a story on Wikistories and the participants had a chance to try Wikistories too. After the demo, Satdeep Gill explained how Wikistories can be applicable for GLAM projects using Wikimedia Commons. Before the session ended, Bonaventura requested the participants to fill the form for Wikistories feedback, and we received 13 responses;

Questions asked Feedback received
After trying Wikistories, do you want to use it again? 76.9% participants are likely to use Wikistories again and 23.1% are not.
Which topics do you like to write about on Wikistories? Most of the participants (72.7%) are like to create about traditional culture (budaya tradisional), and the others are education (pendidikan; 54.5%), culinary (kuliner; 36.4%), popular sites (tempat wisata terkenal; 45.5%), pop culture (budaya populer; 36.4%), biography (biografi; 54.5%), entertainment (hiburan; 36.4%), and the least favorite are science and transportation (sains dan transportasi; 9.1%).
How many Wikistories have you created? Because of time limit at the event, most of the participants (84.6%) created less than 5 Wikistories and the rest created 5-10 stories (15.4%)
What things do you like about Wikistories? Most of the participants like the Wikistories concept, because it can share knowledge fast and easily like sharing content on social media (Instagram Stories look alike). They think this unique concept can gain some new contributors to editing on Wikimedia projects.
What things don’t you like about Wikistories? Some of participants reported that they:
  • can’t pause the story
  • change text position and resize images
  • take a long time to get pictures from Commons
  • if the image is horizontal, the story result is not good
What things prevent you from creating Wikistories? Some of the participants are confused, even though I already explained it slowly, that they can’t understand creating a story. One of the participants contacted me personally and they said the teams must provide clear instructions on how to create a story on Wikistories (e.g.: create tutorial on MediaWiki).
Outside Wikipedia, we are going to launch Wikistories on Wikimedia Commons. Which one do you like to choose to create a story? Based on feedback results, most participants choose to use Upload Wizard to create a story on Wikistories (50%). The others are using file page (40%) and category page (40%), also the least are in the gallery page (20%).