Ajuda:Editor Visual/Guia do usuário/Citações-Completo
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Visão geral
This page is a guide to adding footnotes (also called "citations", "inline citations" or "references") when both the VisualEditor's citation tool and the citoid service has been configured for your wiki.
O serviço de citação cria automaticamente uma nota de rodapé quando você fornece um URL, DOI, ISBN, PMID, PMCID, QID, título, citação. It has a companion extension, Citoid, which uses VisualEditor's citation tool and citation templates.
A barra de ferramentas
A barra de ferramentas do editor visual aparece no topo da tela quando você começa a editar. Ela inclui alguns ícones familiares: Inclui os ícones que serão necessários para adicionar citações à página.
Both the VisualEditor's citation tool and citoid should be enabled in your wiki. If neither citation tool nor the citoid service is configured, then a "Citar" dropdown menu will be available in the toolbar. If this is what you see, you are on the wrong help page. See the main user guide instead, which has instructions on using references in this system. | |
If either the citation tool or the citoid service are enabled, then the citation tool's "Citar" dropdown menu will be replaced by the the "Citar" button. This is what you should see. | |
Click on the "Citar" button. If the Automático tab is disabled, you are accessing the wrong help page. Instead see Help:VisualEditor/User_guide/Citation templates | |
Adicionar uma nova referência
Click on the "Citar" button in the toolbar. This will open a dialog box with three tabs: Automático, Manual, and Reusar.
(If the Automático tab is disabled, this means citoid is not enabled. If the Manual tab is disabled, this means the citation tool is not enabled. Instructions on how to enable the citation tool are available at VisualEditor/Citation tool. Instructions on how to configure citoid are available at Citoid/Enabling Citoid on your wiki.)
There are two ways to add footnotes from the Manual tab: using a standard citation template, or using the "Basic" form.
Usando predefinições de citação padrões
Your local wiki may have added extra citation templates to this menu. This offers quick access to the most frequently used citation templates. (Instructions for adding extra citation templates to your local wiki are available at VisualEditor/Citation tool.) | |
Clicking on a template item such as " Book" will take you into the template editor for that citation template. Required information fields will be marked with an asterisk.
While some recommended parameters will also be shown, not all of them are required. You can remove them from the main dialog by unchecking the checkbox in the sidebar. If a parameter’s checkbox is greyed out and not clickable, that field is required and can't be removed. To add an entirely new field, use the shortcut Ctrl+⇧ Shift+D and then click on "Adicionar parâmetro não documentado" at the bottom of the editor. |
Click on "Inserir" when you're done. |
Usando a citação "Básica"
Reutilizando uma referência existente
Editando uma referência existente
To edit an existing reference, click on it where it appears in the text (usually as a bracketed number). You will see either an icon (and name) for the template that was used to create this reference, or a "Básica" icon (bookmark). If you see the icon for the template, clicking on edit button will will take you directly to the template editor dialog.
Nota: It is not possible to select and edit a footnote by clicking on it in the References list. Clicking on the References list will highlight the whole list and open the References list editor. |
If, instead of the template icon, you see the "Básica" icon (bookmark), clicking on the edit button will open a dialog where you can edit the reference. Clicking on this icon will open a dialog where you can edit the reference. | |
If you open a "Básica" reference and it only contains a link, you may see any option to Converter the reference. This will attempt to use the Automatic feature to replace the simple reference with a fully formatted reference. | |
If what appears is the "Básica" icon, clicking on the Edit button opens the Reference dialog, where you can edit the reference's contents.
Many wikis use templates to format references. If a template is used in your reference, then all the text in the template will be highlighted when you click on the reference information. If a template was used and you've clicked on information in that template, then the "Predefinição" icon (puzzle piece) will appear. Click on that icon to edit the content of the template in the template editor dialog. See the Using standard cite templates for further information about editing templates. |
Click on "Aplicar mudanças" when you're done. |
Posicionar a lista de referências
Adicionar uma citação fora da nota de rodapé