Help:Extension:UniversalLanguageSelector/Input methods/nqo-standard-qwerty/ja

This page is a translated version of the page Help:Extension:UniversalLanguageSelector/Input methods/nqo-standard-qwerty and the translation is 33% complete.

It's possible to type N'Ko without installing any software. Using this method is recommended if you want to type in N'Ko, but you cannot enable an N'Ko keyboard on the computer that you are using.

This virtual keyboard layout emulates the common N'Ko layout on PCs and in common mobile keyboard apps. If you are accustomed to typing it on such a layout and can type it quickly, you should probably use this one. There is also a transliteration layout, which is documented on the page Help:Extension:UniversalLanguageSelector/Input methods/nqo-transliteration . Use any layout that is comfortable for you.

To make this layout work, follow these instructions:

  1. ページ最上部の検索ボックスをクリック。
  2. 検索ボックスの右直下に小さなキーボードのアイコンが表示されたら、それをクリック。
    • If the little keyboard icon doesn't appear, do the following: Click the gear icon near the "Languages" list in the sidebar, click "Input", click "Enable input tools", and click "Apply settings".
  3. If "ߒߞߏ" appears at the top of the list, select "N'Ko standard QWERTY".
  4. 「ߒߞߏ」がリストの一番上に表示されない場合は、次のようにします:
    1. 一覧のいちばん後ろの「...」をクリックするとパネルが表示されます。
    2. Find "ߒߞߏ" in the panel. Click it.
    3. Click the little keyboard icon again, and select "N'Ko standard QWERTY".

この特別なキーボードを無効にして通常の入力に戻るには、小さなキーボードアイコンをクリックしてから、[ネイティブキーボードを使用する]をクリックするか、Ctrl+M を押します。 キーボードを再度有効にするには Ctrl+M を押すか、上記の手順を繰り返します。

Note that this will only work if your operating system's keyboard layout is an English U.S. QWERTY layout.

The full list of keys and characters:

ラテン文字 N'Ko letter
q ߔ
w ߧ
e ߠ
r ߥ
t ߦ
y ߙ
u ߗ
i ߜ
o ߢ
p ߡ
[ ߤ
] ߒ
a ߏ
s ߎ
d ߍ
f ߌ
g ߋ
h ߊ
j ߖ
k ߝ
l ߣ
; ߕ
' ߓ
z ߐ
x ◌߲
c ߵ
v ߴ
b ◌߬
n ◌߫
m ߟ
, ߛ
. ߘ
/ ߞ
Q ߩ
W ߨ
Y ߚ
I ÷
O ×
P ߪ
A ߶
D [
F ]
G (
H )
J ߺ
L /
Z ◌߳
X ◌߱
C ◌߭
V ◌߮
B ◌߰
N ◌߯
M ߸
< ߑ
? ؟
` ߷
1 ߁
2 ߂
3 ߃
4 ߄
5 ߅
6 ߆
7 ߇
8 ߈
9 ߉
0 ߀