Growth/Team/Chore list

< Growth‎ | Team

The chores table can be seen here.

Team norms


Chore Norms

  • If you encounter something during chores that needs immediate attention post to #growth-engine-room or #growth-team on Slack
  • When you file a task in response to reviewing Logstash or Grafana, please note the task in the "notes" column on the Growth/Team/Chores page.
  • If it's your chore day, but you'll be away, don't worry about it. Someone will pick up chores the next day on rotation.
    • If you'll be away for a long time (weeks and weeks, e.g. sabbatical or health reasons), talk to the team about it. A train day might also be relevant.
  • Chores are timeboxed to 45 minutes! Please don't overdo it or stress if there is too much to get through; just let the team know.
  • When in doubt, file a phab task (with @ mentions to teammates) and if it's urgent, also comment in #growth-engine-room or #growth-team
  • Feel free to suggest adding or removing chores on the team list.

The checklist





  • Are there errors that don't have phab tasks? If so, create phab tasks and ping team. Our aim is to have an empty dashboard.

EventLogging validation errors

  • Are there errors that don't have phab tasks? If so, create phab tasks and ping team. Data validation errors are urgent issues for our team, because we heavily rely on instrumentation to validate our work.
  • Are there errors that don't have phab tasks? If so, create phab tasks and ping team. Our aim is to have an empty dashboard.

Triage / Tidy

  • Rapid triage of inbox tasks in #growth-team workboard
    • The task should move into one of:
      • "Triaged" – This column signifies that our team (usually just the individual doing triage) has looked at the task. It doesn't mean that the task will get done, or that it won't get done. It just provides an indicator to others that someone has looked at it. You are welcome to write some kind of response if you wish. Most tasks will end up in this column.
      • "Needs discussion / analysis" – our team needs to talk about it, either in a meeting or via chat, before deciding what to do. If the task contains direct questions from community members that are not straightforward to answer, it should go in this column so that we can figure out how to respond.
      • "Backlog" - Applicable to our current workstream and something we should likely work on soon (within the next month).
      • "Current sprint" – Something is on fire (e.g. production error) and our team is responsible or something we agreed to work on at that given moment according to our team's roadmap – place into current sprint. Document on the chores page that you've moved that task.
      • Steps:
        • Take a quick look at the tasks in the Inbox column and complete the following actions:
Type of Task Relevance to current work Action
Valid task Not applicable to our current work stream Move to Triaged column
Valid task Applicable to our current work stream and the requirements are clear Move to Backlog column

- Add as a subtask to the appropriate Epic (refer to the Epics column)

- If the task requires input from Product or the Growth Tech Lead, tag them in the task.

Valid Task The task contains questions from a community member(s) or the requirements are not clear Move to Needs Discussion column

- Ask for more clarity from the task creator, or tag the appropriate team member in the task.

- If it may be time-sensitive or require more team discussion, add your question the growth-team channel in Slack.

Invalid task Moot Close the task as invalid ‘declined’ and explain why in the comment
Valid bug/error report that is URGENT Regardless of applicability Move to current sprint workboard (update tags)

- Add as a subtask to the appropriate Epic (refer to the Epics in Progress column)

- Add the Phab link to the growth-team slack and tag Growth's Product Manager and Tech Lead.

Processing the Needs Discussion column


Growth's Product Manager will review this column weekly and should ensure the Needs Discussion column remains relevant and up-to-date.


  • Look at charts. See if there are any unusual spikes. If so, make a task and document this on the chores page, and ping the team on chat.

Special:Homepage / Suggested Edits

  • Look at charts. See if there are any unusual spikes. If so, make a task and document this on the chores page, and ping the team on chat.


  • Follow up on Technical Forum requests for feedback (in theory weekly, but they have been less frequent so far) (Gergő)