
This page is a translated version of the page Gerrit/Navigation and the translation is 7% complete.

Gerrit's user interface can be difficult to navigate. The following documentation helps find stuff in the web user interface of Gerrit.

  • To view all projects, select Browse > Repositories in the top bar.
    • Babban lambar tushen MediaWiki yana cikin aikin "mediawiki/core".
  • Use "Repository Browser > gitiles" to inspect the code base.
    • Idan kana son duba lambar sigar MediaWiki ko kari da aka tura akan wasu wiki, ziyarci shafin Special:Version na wiki sannan ka nemo reshen da ya dace ko aikata. Then select the corresponding branch in the sidebar of gitiles.
  • Select "Changes > View all" to see the latest commits.

Browsing code in a repository

After selecting Browse > Repositories in the top bar and selecting a code repository, select "Repository Browser > gitiles" to browse its code base.

Search queries

Gerrit offers a search field in the upper right corner. It includes a full-text search on commit messages, authors or reviewers (names and email addresses), etc.

Don nemo takamaiman abubuwan ƙima, yi amfani da kalmomi masu mahimmanci.

Example: List of commits to all MediaWiki repos which have been, or need to be, reviewed by the Gerrit user called "jforrester":

project:^mediawiki/.* reviewer:jforrester AND -owner:L10n-bot

It excludes the L10n-bot which sometimes alters the results.

Example: List of commits authored by anyone in the newcomers group and the commits passed CI (have a positive Verified label) and have either CR-1 or CR-2 (patch needs rework):

ownerin:newcomers status:open label:Verified>=1 label:Code-Review<0

Search queries via SSH

You can also run queries from the command line. This requires a developer account. Connect over ssh to execute commands of the form gerrit query ' query parameters ' on the gerrit host. The search operators are the same as in the web interface. See the query command documentation.

Example: List of unreviewed commits under mediawiki:

ssh -p 29418 gerrit query 'status:open project:^mediawiki/.* AND NOT label:Code-Review<=-1'

For the number of unreviewed patches, see the rowCount value in the output of this command.

Performing code review

See Gerrit/Tutorial#How code is reviewed in Gerrit


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