Fundraising tech/Refactor

Goal: push as much back-end functionality into SmashPig as possible



Already can

  • Directly receive payment confirmations via http and parse them into normalized messages
    • Should the listener front end be split out? Probably not - no need for ui / messages
  • Parse audit files into normalized messages

Should be able to

  • Determine available payment methods given initial data and merchant account configuration.
  • Specify required data and validation rules for each payment method
  • Validate provided data before performing an API call
  • Make API calls to payment processors and normalize the response
    • select correct credentials for country & call based on merchant account configuration
    • protected function doPaymentApiCall( $name, $data )
      • returns PaymentApiResponse (now called PaymentTransactionResponse)
      • throws Exceptions for anything that stops us before we have a response to normalize, like errors in validation, configuration, or communication
  • Perform a series of related API calls to effect a payment and return a PaymentResult
    • public function doPayment( $data )
    • public function doRecurringCharge( $data )
    • public function checkPaymentStatus( $data )



In a nutshell: renders forms, translates messages, gathers input.

  • Passes configuration options to SmashPig (?)
  • Collects initial language, country, currency, amount, contribution tracking data, and optional payment method
  • Makes initial calls to SmashPig:
    • if payment method requested, validate the initial data against the requested payment method
    • if no method requested or requested method is unavailable, select best alternative method
    • obtain the full specification for the selected method
  • Based on the results of above:
    • If specification indicates an immediate redirect processor such as PayPal or Amazon, perform a doPayment call and redirect
    • Otherwise, render the appropriate payment form as determined by form settings and ffname parameter
      • Submethod choices and field visibility driven by method specification obtained from SmashPig
  • Perform front-end validation according to rules obtained from SmashPig
  • Making a doPayment call to SmashPig and acting on the PaymentResult
    • Displaying appropriate error messages and adapting the form if needed (e.g. making amount editable)
      • Selecting and localizing the messages corresponding to normalized SmashPig error codes.
    • Rendering an appropriate payment failure page
    • Opening an iframe with PaymentResult's URL
    • Redirecting to PaymentResult's URL



Errors from SmashPig should have

  • Severity (basically LogLevel)
  • Context (i.e., related field name or 'general')
  • Error code - one of our standardized ResponseCodes
  • Original error object from processor

Severity + context + code should be expressive enough that the front end can show the appropriate error message without SmashPig picking a message id

Edge cases include validation errors that prompt a change in other data, like fallback currencies

Validation errors can be a result of internal validation or processor validation

Should validation errors have some info beyond just field, like min/max values?



Move into SmashPig Everything should use PSR compliant loggers, with a way to plug in appropriate LogHandlers for each environment.



Invoice number = our internal identifier for a given payment attempt. Standardize on ct_id.num_attempt?

Merchant Account


Can configure multiple accounts for each processor. Account properties:

  • merchant id / username
  • password
  • shared secret
  • list of countries
  • Processor API URL
  • Some other identifier to distinguish between multiple sets of credentials, e.g. how AstroPay has different logins/passwords for different API calls