Extension talk:WikiTimeLine

Latest comment: 12 years ago by Phcalle in topic Extension broken with version 1.18

does this work with 1.14a? NSK Nikolaos S. Karastathis 03:03, 27 October 2008 (UTC)Reply

Haven't tried yet, but I assume it should work. Anyway, I'll surely will try it with the latest version soon since I'm going to extend WikiTimeLine. --DontPanic 17:31, 4 January 2010 (UTC)Reply

Some problem with Chinese language and other


Hi Markus.

I have some problems:

Parser extension or tag extension


This extension should be marked as a tag extension not a Parser extension. Right? I hope someday I can use {{#wtl: Name=..... }} or {{#wikitimeline: Name=..... }}.

Show timeline in a iframe?


Could it possible to show timelines in a Iframe at any place in a page I want? Just like the page.

i18n for chinese-tw


I made some Chinese translation like following:

$wgWikiTimeLineMessagesArr['zh-tw'] = array(
    'timeline' => '時間線',
    'delete' => '刪除',
    'deleteall' => '刪除全部',
    'deletemsg' => '從影像刪除時間線:',
    'notimelines' => '尚未選取時間線',
    'wtlhelp' => 'Wiki時間線幫助',
    'wtlhelplink' => 'Help:維基時間線',
    'wtloverview' => '維基時間線一覽',
    'tomuchlines' => '維基時間線錯誤:單一影像可及的最大時間線數量。',
    'notloggedin' => '維基時間線錯誤: 您必須先登入以顯示此元件',

    'jan' => '一月',
    'feb' => '二月',
    'mar' => '三月',
    'apr' => '四月',
    'may' => '五月',
    'jun' => '六月',
    'jul' => '七月',
    'aug' => '八月',
    'sep' => '九月',
    'oct' => '十月',
    'nov' => '十一月',
    'dec' => '十二月',

   'FirstYMD' => '年',
    'SecondYMD' => '月',
    'ThirdYMD' => '日',  
    'NameMonth' => '失敗',
    'SignAfterFirstYMD' => '.',    
    'SignAfterSecondYMD' => '.',   
    'SignAfterThirdYMD' => '', 
    'ThousandSign' => '.',
    'SignBeforeDate' => '',
    'SignAfterDate' => '',

    'wtl_ongoing_event' => '進行中',
    'wtl_zoom_out' => '遠觀',
    'wtl_hide' => '隱藏',
    'wtl_zoom_in' => '近觀',
    'wtl_shuffle_events' => '刷新事件',
    'wtl_remove_all' => '刪除全部',
    'wtl_show_all' => '顯示全部',
    'wtl_show_wikitimeline' => '顯示維基時間線',
    'wtl_zoom_event' => '近觀',
    'wtl_from' => '從: ',
    'wtl_to' => '到: ',
    'wtl_or' => '或',
    'wtl_remove' => '移除',

    'wtl_error_hide' => '隱藏',
    'wtl_error_nospacearrangement' => '無版面空間可作新的安排',
    'wtl_error_nospacenew' => '無版面空間可供顯示新事件',
    'wtl_error_eventtoolarge' => '事件太大了',
    'wtl_error_cannotzoom' => '無法遠觀:太大了!',
    'wtl_error_cannotmove' => '無法移動:太大了!',
    'wtl_error_endlessloop' => 'Endless loop was created',
    'wtl_error_nospaceshuffle' => '無版面空間可供刷新事件',
    'wtl_error_unknown' => '未知的錯誤'

--Roc michael 00:31, 13 December 2008 (UTC)Reply

Hey! Thank you, I will add this translation in the near future :) thanks very much! --DontPanic 17:26, 4 January 2010 (UTC)Reply

Page Loading and Notice Errors


Ever since I installed this extension, sometimes my pages now don't load fully and require a refresh. They seem to only load a few of the starting div elements and the timeline if present but miss the main page content and the side nav bar. If the timeline is not present but has been loaded in that session, the problem also appears.

I am using firefox 3 (3.0.7) and Extension:PHPBB/Users Integration

Also until I disabled error notices in the wikitimeline_body.php file I was occasionally getting an error message related to an undefined constant, which I assume might be linked.

Notice: Use of undefined constant firstposwtl - assumed 'firstposwtl'

The error line varied in the high 120s, 127/128 etc.

Here is my site, you sometimes need to spend several minutes with an open timeline to see it, other times it happens immediately and quite often when following a link to edit a page. http://www.spaceworlds.com/holovids/index.php?title=The_Galactic_Timeline - - GM Mark 31 March 2009

  • Update - This problem happens quite often when editing, individual page sections with the timeline open. If I click back and then try to edit again I get the same problem, until I do a full refresh.

I have tried things such as this but as it is random and worse somedays rather than others its hard to judge what is having an effect:

## GM Mark Remove error logging additions

    ini_set('max_execution_time', '25'); 
    ini_set('max_input_time', '25'); 

## Uncomment this to disable output compression 
$wgDisableOutputCompression = true;

- GM Mark 31 March 2009

I am working on this problem here, your help would be appreciated:


- GM Mark 4 April 2009

I looked at the files and there is an obvious bug in the code. The thread on msusers.com shows the problem code. --Michael Daly2 17:35, 4 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

Wow, thanks for all that! I'll have a look at that. Sorry for this very late answer ;) Haven't had any time lately to work on this, but I want to extend WikiTimeLine in the near future and the first thing to do is to correct these errors of course! Thanks again. --DontPanic 17:25, 4 January 2010 (UTC)Reply

I managed to get this running. I fixed the two variables that were mentioned in the post above (on msusers.com) within wikitimeline.body.php . The problem is on line 127, both variable need a $ put infront of them and their names changed. If should read: if(!($firstpostwl===FALSE && $firstposwikitimeline===FALSE)

That will get it running, but it still won't work on the current mediawiki. For some reason, it is including the .js file last on the page, causing the wtl_container to not be defined when accessed. I commented out line 46 (the $out->addScript line) and added the <script> line into the first addHTML command below. That gets it loaded in the right order. It's a messy fix, but for some reason the addScript & addHTML didn't want to play nice by simply moving the lines around.

I see the last post was in 2010, are we expecting any possible new version soon? Thanks for the extension, this is exactly what I needed for my wiki.

-Aiden 9/23/2011

Extension broken with version 1.18


Since removal of $wgMessageCache form Mediawiki, this extension fails. I can't fix this... any help ? Phcalle 21:46, 2 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

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