Extension talk:WikiShare/Flow

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WikiForMen (talkcontribs)

This extention use hook SkinBuildSidebar to inject HTML into the sidebar.

"As of MediaWiki 1.39, injecting HTML is no longer supported with this hook. If you are looking to inject HTML, such as to put an ad in the sidebar, you must use Manual:Hooks/SkinAfterPortlet or similar."

The extension is therefore partially incompatible with REL1_39+ and must be rewritten to support actual versions of mediawiki.

Reply to "Incompatibility"

Google Translate link

Deejayk (talkcontribs)

In case it's useful to anyone else, here are the settings I used to integrate Google Translate with my site:

$wgWikiShareServices['GoogleTranslate']['service'] = 'Google Translate';

$wgWikiShareServices['GoogleTranslate']['url'] = 'https://YOUR-GOOGLE-TRANSLATE-SUBDOMAIN.translate.goog/index.php?title=%title%&_x_tr_sl=en&_x_tr_tl=es&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=nui';

$wgWikiShareServices['GoogleTranslate']['icon'] = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/db/Google_Translate_Icon.png';

You'll need to replace YOUR-GOOGLE-TRANSLATE-SUBDOMAIN with the correct value for your site which should be your site's main URL with any dots (.) replaced with hyphens (-). You can also go to Google Translate (https://translate.google.com/) and post a URL in the translation box, then click the link that is provided in the selected language. That URL will have the subdomain string you'll need.

Reply to "Google Translate link"
Gribouillot (talkcontribs)


on my wiki

$wgWikiShareServices['Baidu Translate']['service'] = '百度翻译';

$wgWikiShareServices['Baidu Translate']['url']='httpwithoutletters://fanyi.baidu.com/transpage?query=httpwithletters://www.wiki-shangri-laXXXX&from=auto&to=auto&source=url&render=1';

$wgWikiShareServices['Baidu Translate']['icon'] ='https://www.wiki-shangri-laXXXX/mw19/images/4/4e/Baidu.png';

Reply to "Baidu Translate Link" (talkcontribs)

Has anyone figured out how to integrate the service Sina Weibo using this extension?


~~~~ (talkcontribs)

$wgWikiShareServices['weibo']['service']= '新浪微博'; /* Name of service*/

$wgWikiShareServices['weibo']['url'] ='//service.weibo/share/share.php?url=%url%&t=%title% - %wiki%';

$wgWikiShareServices['weibo']['icon']= 'www.wiki-shangri-la/mw19/images/2/29/Sina-weibo.png'; /* URL of service sharing service's icon.*/


Reply to "Sina Weibo Link"
Idris, the wise (talkcontribs)

$wgWikiShareServices['Telegram']['service'] = 'Telegram';

$wgWikiShareServices['Telegram']['url'] = 'https://t.me/share/submit?url=%url%%0A&text=%0A%title%+-+%wiki%';

$wgWikiShareServices['Telegram']['icon'] = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/82/Telegram_logo.svg';

Reply to "Telegram Link"

Bug regarding sidebar

Krabina (talkcontribs)
Idris, the wise (talkcontribs)


I have the same issue with mediawiki 1.35.5 and chameleon skin

I also added $wgWikiShareFollow['sidebar'] = false;

but it made no change

Idris, the wise (talkcontribs)


add this to LocalSettings.php:

$wgWikiShare['follow'] = false;

Reply to "Bug regarding sidebar"
Deejayk (talkcontribs)

$wgWikiShareServices['Reddit']['service'] = 'Reddit';

$wgWikiShareServices['Reddit']['url'] = 'http://reddit.com/submit?url=%url%&title=%title%+-+%wiki%';

$wgWikiShareServices['Reddit']['icon'] = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Snoo.svg';

Reply to "Reddit link"

Code to create an email link

Deejayk (talkcontribs)

Here's the code I've come up with to add an email link:

$wgWikiShareServices['email']['service'] = 'Email';

$wgWikiShareServices['email']['url'] = 'mailto:?Subject=%title%&body=Check%20out%20what%20I%20found%20on%20%wiki%%21%0A%0A%title%:%0A%url%';

$wgWikiShareServices['email']['icon'] = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b1/Email_Shiny_Icon.svg';

These lines need to be added to your LocalSettings.php file.

Reply to "Code to create an email link"

"Print friendly" links?

Deejayk (talkcontribs)

Has anyone figured out how to integrate a service to create a print friendly or PDF version using this extension?

I've found https://www.printfriendly.com/, but I'd love to find a way to do this without a monthly sub.

Reply to ""Print friendly" links?"
Krabina (talkcontribs)

This is still working in MW 1.35! Hope to see more work on this...

Reply to "Working in MW 1.35"
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