Extension talk:TemplateWizard/Flow

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date type, don't force to pick a day

Sinuhe20 (talkcontribs)

Since fields of type 'date' are also allowed in shorter forms (like 'YYYY' or 'YYYY-MM'), the user shouldn't be forced to pick a day.

Reply to "date type, don't force to pick a day" (talkcontribs)

How can I add some of the most popular templates to the start page, so that I don't have to search for them every time?

Reply to "Start Templates"

Cannot load template data in the wikitext editor

KharMitch (talkcontribs)


By entering the beginning of the name of a template in the TemplateWizard search bar, it manages to suggest a list of templates, but also his documentation (Template/doc). And when I select a template, my entry is replaced by "[object Object]". And the template data is not loaded.

This behavior happens only with the wikitext editor (classic, not the beta 2017). The visual editor loads the template correctly.

  • MediaWiki = 1.36.0
  • WikiEditor = 0.5.3
  • TemplateData = 0.1.2 0.1.2 (7ffe97a)
  • TemplateWizard = 0.1.0 (096f34e)
KharMitch (talkcontribs)

Ok, it seems one of my dependency was corrupted.

TW cannot find templates

TiltedCerebellum (talkcontribs)

I have a template with template data:


But in Source Edit, when attempting to insert a template, Template Wizard always shows no results of a search, even if the exact template name is input into the search field.

I've done a null edit in the template with no description to make sure the data is recognized and it's returned via the API, but TemplateWizard still can't find it. Any idea how to get Template Wizard to recognize and find templates with valid template data?

TiltedCerebellum (talkcontribs)
Reply to "TW cannot find templates"
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