Extension talk:Spreadsheet

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Summary by MarcoAurelio

The extension has been archived.

MarcoAurelio (talkcontribs)
MarcoAurelio (talkcontribs)

The extension has been archived.

Data viewing works in MediaWiki 1.19.7

1 (talkcontribs)

Installed on a mediawiki 1.19.7 with PHPExcel 1.7.8. It doesn't show on the version page, but seems to be installed anyway. It successfully loads an xlsx spreadsheet, tables are visible. I can double click fields to edit things. Not sure if there's a way to save changes made, looks like only viewing for now. No formattting, it seems. Not sure if parts are missing because of the version of MediaWiki or because it isn't implemented in the extension yet, but very pleased I can view data at least. 13:51, 19 July 2013 (UTC)

Did some further testing, functions work, I'm able to add up ranges of numbers and perform other functions normally. From Spreadsheet-js, it looks like there are a fair number of functions working ( though I found 343 incidences of functions that just return "Not Implemented ). Here are the ones that have something, haven't tested them all:


ZombieWatercrest (talk) 19:23, 19 July 2013 (UTC) (talkcontribs)

I frequently get this error: Fatal error: Call to a member function exists() on a non-object in /data/19/3/152/103/3478918/user/3876691/htdocs/extensions/Spreadsheet/Spreadsheet.hooks.php on line 14

Noti1234 (talkcontribs)

This is a great solution for excel embedding in Media wiki.

When do you plan on releasing a stable version of this extension? (talkcontribs)

Hi, first off i wanted to say this extension seems fantastic. I'm having one problem with it, i have everything installed correctly on MW 1.21, and whenever i try to open a page with the <spreadsheet> tag in it it just sits at "Please wait, spreadsheet is loading." (talkcontribs)

Did you ever solve this problem? I have same issue and have tried to resolve several ways. No luck.

cld (talkcontribs)

I have the same issue, "Please wait, spreadsheet is loading." and I am running MW 1.21.2, PHP 5.4.14, MySQL 5.5.25, Pear 1.9.4. I think I have all the dependencies installed correctly. Added PHPExcel (running first) and the require_once "$IP/extensions/Spreadsheet/Spreadsheet.php"; and $wgUseAjax = true; to Localsettings.php. Even upped the PHP memory_limit to 512M just to be safe. Spreadsheet (Version 0.1) is shown. Looks like a great extension, any ideas anyone? (talkcontribs)


Is there any solution to this issue? Even I am facing the same problem. (talkcontribs)

Can someone please help me? I dont understand much about PHP and AJAX, but I dont think the page is waiting for any data from excel sheet after displaying the progressbar. Only code I can see in HTML is:

<script type="text/javascript"> < !-- if(window.spreadsheet === undefined){ window.spreadsheet = {}; } window.spreadsheet['2fe1700645c8a08b'] = {"adapter":"phpexcel","file":"file.xlsx","sheet":"0"}; -- > </script>

<diiv id="2fe1700645c8a08b" class="spreadsheet-container" style="height: 600px;">

<diiv class="progressbar"></diiv> <diiv class="progress-label">Please wait, spreadsheet is loading.</diiv> </diiv> </diiv>

Note: div is changed to diiv just to put in the post...

This post was posted by, but signed as

Netbrain (talkcontribs)

It's been a while since I've worked on this, but ill try to help. But i need some more information.

Any exceptions in the mediawiki debug log? (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:How_to_debug#Setting_up_a_debug_log_file)

Any javascript errors in the browsers js console?

The speadsheet extension first loads the page, and then through javascript asynchronous method it calls an api to convert xls file through PHPExcel to a json format readable by the spreadsheet-js library. What you guys are describing is that it fails somewhere in between the call to the API and before a json result is returned.

So either this is a javascript error, or there is something going on within the php code, or PHPExcel itself.

Netbrain (talkcontribs) (talkcontribs)

Where do you run the git submodule --init --recursive ?

Do you run it in the command prompt or do I need to modify an extension page or localsettings.php ?

Currently have the following: MW 1.24.2, PHP 5.6.7, MySQL 5.6.24 I think I have all the dependencies installed correctly. Added PHPExcel (running first) and the require_once "$IP/extensions/Spreadsheet/Spreadsheet.php"; and $wgUseAjax = true; to Localsettings.php. Even upped the PHP memory_limit to 512M just to be safe. Spreadsheet (Version 0.2.0) is shown. (talkcontribs)

I got the Error " Unexpected Token '<' " in the Javascript Console.

Osodarck (talkcontribs)

It is so sad to see such a good purpose extension abandoned :.( Does anyone knows any other way to insert excel sheets on MW? For no I'm converting it to PDF instead.

Mediawiki 1.28 und Excel files - Viewing possible, no write back to file

Sonargucker (talkcontribs)

Hi, old thread, but interesting extension-unfortunately neccessary to avoid a MS Sharpoint ;-)

Thanks for development.

What I did so far:

OS Ubuntu 16.04


Install Mediawiki1.28.0

Downloaded and installed PHPExcel-Library. Example works fine.

Uploaded 01sample.xlsx to wiki.

Downloaded PHPExcel and spreadsheet extensions and spreadsheet-js library.

Created a sample page:

<spreadsheet sheet="0" file="01simple.xlsx" />

No image. After activating debug infos, I replaced deprecated function in parser (getRandomString) with wfRandomString( 16 ) in Spreadsheets.hooks.php.

Still no image. Debugging said missing libraries.

Downloaded missing library files

efp  highcharts  slickgrid

from github.

Now excel files are visible and editable. But changes are not saved.

More deprecated files (jquery...)

Are there any experiences in that direction or are there any alternatives ? (talkcontribs)

May I ask where to download and how to install efp highcharts and slickgrid (talkcontribs)

git submodule update --recursive --init

That is listed on the page, I looked and that installede highcharts slickgrid and excel-formula-parser (assuming that is efp) (talkcontribs)

I successfully installed this extension and it is shown on the special:version page, however, im not sure if I am posting the actual spreadsheets correctly.

Currently I have it set as : "<spreadsheet sheet=0" file="/var/www/mediawiki/Excel/WIKITEST.xlsx"/>" the excel folder is something I created in the mediawiki folder but I am curious if there is a specific folder I should be putting the spreadsheets. Currently all I get is "file does not exist" any suggestions or assistance would be greatly appreciated (talkcontribs)

Do not put /var/www/mediawiki/Excel/ in the name. Just put WIKITEST.xlsx

<spreadsheet sheet=0" file="WIKITEST.xlsx"/> on a page and save it and it should work. (talkcontribs)

Hi there,

I'm using this awesome extension but I would like to know if possible to get the links that are in my excel files (to website or internal documents), does this extensions provides this functionality? Now it copies the name without the hyperlinks..

Thanks a lot! (talkcontribs)

did anybody manage to actually edit the spreadsheet? mine appears OK, seems editable, but changes aren't saved. (talkcontribs)


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