Extension talk:Semantic Genealogy/Flow

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Can Semantic Genealogy be used with Cargo?

Guillaume Taillefer (talkcontribs)

I was trying to install and use Semantic Mediawiki in order to use Genealogy and Semantic Genealogy, but as I show here, it wasn't really working out. Instead I found out about Cargo and that it is much easier to install. I know now that Genealogy can be used with Cargo (Topic:X6222mvjjrft53a7), but not that Semantic Genealogy is useable with it as well. I am partially asking this because even though I installed the extension in the extensions folder, if I put the wfLoadExtension() function for the extension, it gives me the following:

Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Unable to open file /home2/wwiiarch/public_html/extensions/SemanticGenealogy/extension.json: filemtime(): stat failed for /home2/wwiiarch/public_html/extensions/SemanticGenealogy/extension.json in /home2/wwiiarch/public_html/includes/registration/ExtensionRegistry.php:182 Stack trace: #0 /home2/wwiiarch/public_html/includes/GlobalFunctions.php(52): ExtensionRegistry->queue('/home2/wwiiarch...') #1 /home2/wwiiarch/public_html/LocalSettings.php(286): wfLoadExtension('SemanticGenealo...') #2 /home2/wwiiarch/public_html/includes/Setup.php(204): require_once('/home2/wwiiarch...') #3 /home2/wwiiarch/public_html/includes/WebStart.php(93): require_once('/home2/wwiiarch...') #4 /home2/wwiiarch/public_html/index.php(44): require('/home2/wwiiarch...') #5 {main} thrown in /home2/wwiiarch/public_html/includes/registration/ExtensionRegistry.php on line 182

And I know for sure that the name for the wfLoadExtension has the same name as the extension folder.

If anyone could help that'd be great, thanks

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The biggest semantic wiki devoted to genealogy

Robin Patterson (talkcontribs)

Familypedia.wikia.org was founded in 2004, using software almost identical to Wikipedia's, and started using three standard semantic extensions in 2009. By the end of 2020 it had about 270,000 articles and 390,000 other pages.

Familypedia has a well-developed system of templates, which can display on an individual's article numerous data items and tables of spouses, siblings (differentiating half-siblings) and children, with subpages for automatically-generated ancestry trees and descendant lists. Example at http://familypedia.wikia.org/wiki/Heather_Campbell_(1911-2004)

Numerous other tables are available, notably tables of people who had events such as birth and marriage in a specific locality or county or nation. Example at http://familypedia.wikia.org/wiki/Plymouth/bdm

Searching can be on any combination of semantic facts ("properties"). A complex example is at https://familypedia.wikia.org/wiki/Semantic_MediaWiki/demo_query-subquery

Intending developers of a new semantic extension for genealogy can probably learn a lot from Familypedia. A new semantic extension may not be needed but could be worth pursuing. This one seems to have been going very slowly, which is a pity. [[Extension:Genealogy]] is newer and may be more likely to succeed.

Reply to "The biggest semantic wiki devoted to genealogy"

Error after Install

1 (talkcontribs)

Hi, I am a bit at loss on how to preceed. I have a background in PHP and database programming, but I am not a professional developer.

I have installed Semantic Genalogy )i.e. it shows up in the "Special:Version" page, and I copied the Settings into LocalSettings.php as given. I have created some category pages and put information on a couple of pages.

However, if I navigate to Special:FamilyTree, i get the following error:

"[94f5cae5] 2014-11-18 13:31:13: Fatal exception of type MWException"

I have tested the solutions under http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Thread:Extension_talk:ParserFunctions/Fatal_exception_of_type_MWException_Error and do not seem to work, probably because "ParserFunctions" does not even show up in my LocalSettings.php.

My main goal is to have a family tree on every persons page.

My main question: How can I get this extension to work, and can I - at a later date - get the famiyl trees to be displayed on individual pages? Alternatively, how do I do that best?

Any Help apprechicated

This post was posted by, but signed as broszies.

Reply to "Error after Install"
Poensgen (talkcontribs)
Reply to "GEDCOM export"
Ericblazek (talkcontribs)

The README page is missing. Just downloaded it and getting it running. Thx.

Reply to "README Missing" (talkcontribs)

I'm very excited about this extension, since I'm working on a wiki that uses genealogy extensively. I was tempted to create my own, but I was worried about the time commitments. Maybe I can find some areas to help in :-)

Reply to "Woo hoo!"
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