Extension talk:Question2AnswerLogin

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can't get it to work for 1.18

Lucy Tech (talkcontribs)

Does this extension work for mediawiki 1.18? I can't get it to work on my wiki 1.18. How do I troubleshoot it to find out what isn't working? I've set the code:

$wgCookieDomain = '.thesite.com';


define('MW_UID_COOKIE', 'thesite_21_mw_UserID');  define('MW_UNAME_COOKIE', 'thesite_21_mw_UserName');     
define('MW_SESSION_COOKIE', 'thesite_21_mw_session');
define('MW_LOGIN_URL','http://thesite.com/ES/mw/index.php?title=Special:UserLogin', ); 
define('MW_LOGOUT_URL', 'http://thesite.com/ES/mw/index.php?title=Special:UserLogout', ); 
define('MW_REG_URL', 'http://thesite.com/ES/mw/index.php', ); define('USE_LOGIN_LINKS', false);

and the rest I've left as per your extension. Any ideas what it could be? Thanks

Lucy Tech (talkcontribs)

I got it to work. 'thesite_21_mw_session' was 'thesite_21_mw__session' with a double _

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