Extension talk:Mw-slidy/Flow

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Backlink to the original article

P858snake (talkcontribs)

It would be nice to have a backlink to the original article either in the footer or header.

This post was posted by Peachey88, but signed as MWJames.

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Using an icon that links to the slideshow

P858snake (talkcontribs)

Instead of a link, one might want to use an icon to link to the slideshow.


This post was posted by Peachey88, but signed as MWJames.

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mw-slidy, MW 1.17 and Vector skin

P858snake (talkcontribs)

Testing mw-slidy together with MW 1.17 (Vector skin), shows wgTitle in the left corner of the page that contains <slidy/> together with a distortion (disarrangement) of menus.

This post was posted by Peachey88, but signed as MWJames.

Seb35 (talkcontribs)

This issue is getting worse with the time: now with MW 1.24 only wgTitle appears and nothing else. I reported it to the author and on Github where the code is hosted.

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Doesn't understand labeled sections

Rick95065 (talkcontribs)

Creating a slidy page with labeled sections treats the sections as if they were enclosed in pre tags.


In my source page I have something like this:

<section begin=name />
Here's some content.
<section end=name />

In my target slidy page I do this:

<slidy theme="w3" />
== Introduction ==

Instead of getting a nice slide with "Here is some content" (as I see in the non-slidy view of the target page), I see:


I'm using: MediaWiki 1.16.5 PHP 5.2.5 (apache2handler) MySQL 4.1.22-max-log

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