Extension talk:KidsEditor

I am looking forward to seeing complete instructions...

  • Can't wait to have it working... althought i don't like the wiki --> html --> wiki idea too much... hope there will be something native soon.
  • I can't wait to see this work -- Please configure it for it will be highly valuable

Count me in as well. I have a ton of users that will not want or be able to learn the wikitext notation.

How about mozile 0.8? edit

or xinha..

It works good..

mozile 0.8 server side? now i'm testing...

Well, the extension sounds great, but there is no installation instruction even in the software package. I have no idea how I can install it at this point, wouldn't it be clear that many of us non-techies are mystified by the lack of installation instruction and perhaps discouraged?

   <h1>test using <a href="http://www.hypercubed.com/projects/firefox/">xinha
      <br /></a>
    <p><a href="http://www.hypercubed.com/projects/firefox/"></a> I am testing the adons Installed on firefox here. Let's see what comes out of thsi typing.
      <br />
<nowiki>Insert non-formatted text here</nowiki>

Apparently, firefox interpretes the typed texts into html codes which Wik doesn't undestand.... for a second, I thought I had a solution....

Well, I am very much interested in a WYSIWYG Editor because I am quite sure that many potential contributors are refusing to colaborate because they have to lear too muh technical stuff (Horst Salzwedel)

I would prefer TinyMCE.

Carification Needed...

I have done all the steps outlined in the extension documentation. Two parts are a bit unclear...

The first issue I have is, you reference to fix the path of image? What image are you refering and what would it be set to? This is unclear.

   * To fix FCKeditor image display problem, you need to fix the path of image. In instaview.js file, find "InstaView.conf=" and add the path to image inside the quote of images:
   * and also comment the following code inside of "with(InstaView.conf)"

paths.images = 'http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/' + wiki.lang + '/'

Secondly you have a Warning about touching a core file. What do you mean by this exactly? (WARNING) You need to touch the core file in order to make this whole thing works.

I can't find the following text in the file FCKeditor.php. I have download the version 2.4.2!

  • To add InstaView into FCKeditor, you need to find the following code within FCKeditor.php
$wgOut->addScript( "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$wgScriptPath/$wgFCKEditorDir/fckeditor.js\"></script>\n" )
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