Extension talk:Include WP/Flow

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Sep-2022 Current Status of this extension?

2603:6080:5B02:2100:4C7E:9A5F:7F54:8FE7 (talkcontribs)

Does this extension still work in September 2022 ?

I want to use it on my wiki.

Product Version

MediaWiki 1.29.1

PHP 5.6.33 (apache2handler)

MySQL 5.1.73

Lua 5.1.5

Reply to "Sep-2022 Current Status of this extension?" (talkcontribs)

I have put Include WP into a template. When I use that template in another page that has a TOC then the TOC loads with the page as normal but when the Include WP renders the included text the TOC is disappears. In fact, from looking at the source in Firebug it looks like the TOC HTML is removed.

Paul Churchley (talkcontribs)

I found the problem but I don't know enough JS to fix it...

The JS file ext.incwp.js function showPageFragment the toc is removed but instead of just removing it from the imported fragment it is removing it from the whole page.

If anyone could suggest a fix I would appreciate it :-)

Reply to "TOC Disappears"
Pjrich (talkcontribs)

Is this extension supported by MediaWiki 1.19? When I try it, it only produces "Loading page..." Thanks, Pjrich (talk) 00:52, 3 August 2012 (UTC)

Jeroen De Dauw (talkcontribs)

Never tried it with 1.19. If it does not work, it's probably trivial to fix.

WhiteTigerItaly (talkcontribs)

With a first test it works with 1.19.2, but the text must be without {}. So <include page="Text" />

Instead my problem is that points only to en.wikipedia and I wish to point ALSO to it.wikipedia. (talkcontribs)

Version 1.20 it throws:

Error: invalid magic word 'include'


  1. 0 /path/to/wiki/includes/MagicWord.php(236): MagicWord->load('include')
  2. 1 /path/to/wiki/includes/parser/Parser.php(4765): MagicWord::get('include')
  3. 2 /path/to/wiki/extensions/Validator/includes/ParserHook.php(211): Parser->setFunctionHook('include', Array, 2)
  4. 3 /path/to/wiki/extensions/IncludeWP/IncludeWP.class.php(25): ParserHook->init(Object(Parser))
  5. 4 [internal function]: IncludeWP::staticInit(Object(Parser))
  6. 5 /path/to/wiki/includes/Hooks.php(216): call_user_func_array('IncludeWP::stat...', Array)
  7. 6 /path/to/wiki/includes/GlobalFunctions.php(3823): Hooks::run('ParserFirstCall...', Array)
  8. 7 /path/to/wiki/includes/parser/Parser.php(257): wfRunHooks('ParserFirstCall...', Array)
  9. 8 [internal function]: Parser->firstCallInit()
  10. 9 /path/to/wiki/includes/StubObject.php(79): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
  11. 10 /path/to/wiki/includes/StubObject.php(99): StubObject->_call('firstCallInit', Array)
  12. 11 /path/to/wiki/includes/cache/MessageCache.php(829): StubObject->__call('firstCallInit', Array)
  13. 12 /path/to/wiki/includes/cache/MessageCache.php(829): StubObject->firstCallInit()
  14. 13 /path/to/wiki/includes/cache/MessageCache.php(807): MessageCache->getParser()
  15. 14 /path/to/wiki/includes/Message.php(618): MessageCache->transform('$1 - {{SITENAME...', true, Object(Language), Object(Title))
  16. 15 /path/to/wiki/includes/Message.php(436): Message->transformText('$1 - {{SITENAME...')
  17. 16 /path/to/wiki/includes/Message.php(476): Message->toString()
  18. 17 /path/to/wiki/includes/OutputPage.php(790): Message->text()
  19. 18 /path/to/wiki/includes/OutputPage.php(833): OutputPage->setHTMLTitle(Object(Message))
  20. 19 /path/to/wiki/includes/Article.php(485): OutputPage->setPageTitle('Main Page')
  21. 20 /path/to/wiki/includes/actions/ViewAction.php(37): Article->view()
  22. 21 /path/to/wiki/includes/Wiki.php(427): ViewAction->show()
  23. 22 /path/to/wiki/includes/Wiki.php(304): MediaWiki->performAction(Object(Article))
  24. 23 /path/to/wiki/includes/Wiki.php(536): MediaWiki->performRequest()
  25. 24 /path/to/wiki/includes/Wiki.php(446): MediaWiki->main()
  26. 25 /path/to/wiki/index.php(59): MediaWiki->run()
  27. 26 {main}

Any ideas?

Jeroen De Dauw (talkcontribs)

This is very likely because you have a version of Validator to recent for this extension. I suspect it will not work with Validator 0.5 or later.

Reply to "Supported by 1.19?"
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