I made an update for this extension. I did not touch the original functioning of the extension.
You can now add the 3 additional parameters webm
, mp4
and ogv
in the <html5media>
When you add minimum one of the 3 parameters, the extension will work in alternatives mode. In this case you must not give the file extension of the videa file.
Example: <html5media mp4 webm>File:SampleVideo</html5media>
For this example you have to upload the two files SampleVideo.mp4 and SampleVideo.webm. If someone will access this page with Opera SampleVideo.webm will be shown, with Firefox SampleVideo.mp4 will be shown.
To install the update just replace the file /etensions/Html5mediator/Html5mediator.php with the following source code:
if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) die();
$wgExtensionCredits['html5mediator'][] = array(
'path' => __FILE__,
'name' => 'Html5mediator',
'url' => 'https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Html5mediator',
'description' => 'A simple way to embed audio and video files in a wiki',
'author' => 'Seung Park, Update: Frank Baxmann'
/* Register the registration function */
$wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit'][] = 'wfHtml5Mediator';
function wfHtml5Mediator($parser)
$parser->setHook('html5media' , 'wfHtml5MediatorParse');
return true;
function wfHtml5MediatorParse($data, $params, $parser, $frame)
global $wgContLang;
// init the VideoFormatList
$videoFormats = null;
// escape from XSS vulnerabilities
foreach ($params as $param => $paramval)
$params[$param] = htmlspecialchars ($paramval);
if (isset($params['mp4']))
$videoFormats [] = "mp4";
if (isset($params['webm']))
$videoFormats [] = "webm";
if (isset($params['ogv']))
$videoFormats [] = "ogv";
$data = htmlspecialchars($data);
// load international name of File namespace
$namespaceNames = $wgContLang->getNamespaces();
$fileNS = strtolower($namespaceNames[NS_FILE]);
$ns = strtolower(strstr($data,':',true));
// check to see if a file specified
if ($ns == 'file' || $ns == $fileNS)
if (!isset ($videoFormats))
$image = wfFindFile(substr(strstr($data,':'), 1));
if ($image)
$data = $image->getFullURL();
return 'Html5mediator: error loading file:' . Xml::encodeJsVar(substr($data, 5));
} else
foreach ($videoFormats as &$format)
$image = wfFindFile(substr(strstr($data,':'), 1) . "." . $format);
if ($image)
$format = $image->getFullURL();
} // end if
return 'Html5mediator: error loading file:' . Xml::encodeJsVar(substr(strstr($data,':'), 1) . "." . $format);
} // end else
} //end foreach
} // end else
// Perform validation on the purported URL
if ((!isset ($videoFormats)) and (!filter_var($data, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL))) return 'Html5mediator: 10 not a valid URL';
if (isset($videoFormats))
foreach ($videoFormats as $formatURL)
if (!filter_var($formatURL, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) return 'Html5mediator: 20 not a valid URL: ' . $formatURL;
} //end for each
} // end if
// Get the file extension -- first check for a 3-char extension (mp3, mp4), then 4-char (webm)
if (!isset ($videoFormats))
if (substr($data, -4, 1) == ".") $ext = substr($data, -3);
else if (substr($data, -5, 1) == ".") $ext = substr($data, -4);
else if (strtolower(substr($data, 0, 23)) == "http://www.youtube.com/" || strtolower(substr($data, 0, 24)) == "https://www.youtube.com/") $ext = "youtube";
} //end if
// Write out the actual HTML
$code = "<script src=\"http://api.html5media.info/1.1.5/html5media.min.js\"></script>";
if (!isset ($videoFormats))
switch ($ext)
// video file extensions
case "mp4":
case "webm":
case "mov":
case "ogv":
$code = $code . "<video src=\"" . $data . "\" controls";
foreach ($params as $param => $paramval)
$code = $code . " " . htmlspecialchars($param) . "=\"" . $paramval . "\"";
$code = $code . "></video>";
// audio file extensions
case "mp3":
case "ogg":
$code = $code . "<audio src=\"" . $data . "\" controls preload";
foreach ($params as $param => $paramval)
$code = $code . " " . htmlspecialchars($param) . "=\"" . $paramval . "\"";
$code = $code . "></audio>";
// youtube
case "youtube":
$code = "<iframe";
foreach ($params as $param => $paramval)
$code = $code . " " . htmlspecialchars($param) . "=\"" . $paramval . "\"";
$code = $code . " src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/" . substr($data, -11) . "?rel=0\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe>";
// unrecognized file extensions
return "Html5mediator: 30 file extension not recognized";
} // end switch
} else // create the lines for the videoFormats
$code = $code . "<video controls";
foreach ($params as $param => $paramval)
if (($param <> "webm") and ($param <> "mp4") and ($param <> "ogv"))
$code = $code . " " . htmlspecialchars($param) . "=\"" . $paramval . "\"";
} // end if
$code = $code . ">";
foreach ($videoFormats as $formatURL)
$code = $code . "<source src=\"" . $formatURL . "\"></source>";
$code = $code . "</video>";
} // end else
return $code;