Extension talk:HeadersFooters/Flow

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Previous page history was archived for backup purposes at Extension talk:HeadersFooters/LQT Archive 1 on 2015-07-10.

Breaks SpecialPages in MediaWiki 1.30

Johnywhy (talkcontribs)
[Wr0Ck4XVQrDkyCbpyhd-LgAAAEI] /index.php/Special:SpecialPages Error from line 60 of /home/gunsywtx/public_html/extensions/HeadersFooters/ExtSpecialHeadersFooters.php: Call to undefined function wfLoadExtensionMessages()


#0 /home/gunsywtx/public_html/includes/specialpage/SpecialPageFactory.php(392): ExtSpecialHeadersFooters->__construct()
#1 /home/gunsywtx/public_html/includes/specialpage/SpecialPageFactory.php(438): SpecialPageFactory::getPage(string)
#2 /home/gunsywtx/public_html/includes/specials/SpecialSpecialpages.php(53): SpecialPageFactory::getUsablePages(User)
#3 /home/gunsywtx/public_html/includes/specials/SpecialSpecialpages.php(42): SpecialSpecialpages->getPageGroups()
#4 /home/gunsywtx/public_html/includes/specialpage/SpecialPage.php(522): SpecialSpecialpages->execute(NULL)
#5 /home/gunsywtx/public_html/includes/specialpage/SpecialPageFactory.php(578): SpecialPage->run(NULL)
#6 /home/gunsywtx/public_html/includes/MediaWiki.php(287): SpecialPageFactory::executePath(Title, RequestContext)
#7 /home/gunsywtx/public_html/includes/MediaWiki.php(851): MediaWiki->performRequest()
#8 /home/gunsywtx/public_html/includes/MediaWiki.php(523): MediaWiki->main()
#9 /home/gunsywtx/public_html/index.php(43): MediaWiki->run()
#10 {main}
Reply to "Breaks SpecialPages in MediaWiki 1.30"
Wassersturm (talkcontribs)

HeadersFooters does not work with MediaWiki 22.0 anymore.

Choshi (talkcontribs)

I'm trying to get it show up but I did at least have it working with 1.22.6 after making this change in file "ExtSpecialHeadersFooters", line 60:


change to:


After editing MediaWiki:Headersfooters-global-header, its still not showing up. I'll make updates here as I get them.

Bmrberlin (talkcontribs)
Reply to "MediaWiki 22.0"

Is there any way to exclude single page?

Deletedaccount4567435 (talkcontribs)

For example, I add some words into MediaWiki:Headersfooters-ns-0-footer

But I don't want these words show on mainpage.

How can I exclude Main page?

Superxain (talkcontribs)
Deletedaccount4567435 (talkcontribs)

Thank you! I will try it.

Baronen~mediawikiwiki (talkcontribs)

HeaderFooter isn't working properly with the latest versions of MediaWiki. So I'm still looking for a solution to this.

This post was posted by Baronen~mediawikiwiki, but signed as Baronen.

Reply to "Is there any way to exclude single page?"

External install link is not working...

Tefeli3 (talkcontribs)

The link to the install page of the extension is not working...

Reply to "External install link is not working..."
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