Extension talk:Echo/Creating a new notification type

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Notification icon shows 1 but no messages displayed

000Tom0000 (talkcontribs)

I am not sure where I go wrong as I have almost stripped all functionality. When I trigger a createEvent the icon on the top-right shows a "1" of new notification but when I click on it, it will only show old notifications. The counter gets cleared and I need to trigger a new notification. My presentation model looks like

    class EchoDemoPresentationModel extends EchoEventPresentationModel
        public function getIconType() {
            return 'edit';
        public function getPrimaryLink() {
            return false;

(Jup fully stripped it)

and the onBeforeCreateEvent looks like

    public static function onBeforeCreateEchoEvent(
        &$notifications, &$notificationCategories, &$icons
    ) {
        $notificationCategories['demo-notif'] = [
            'priority' => 3,
            'tooltip' => 'echo-pref-tooltip-demo-notif',
        $notifications['demo-notif'] = [
            'category' => 'demo-notif',
            'group' => 'positive',
            'section' => 'local',
            'presentation-model' => EchoDemoPresentationModel::class,
            'bundle' => [
                'web' => true,
                'expandable' => true,

This results in a https://i.imgur.com/XPDGtOU.png when I trigger an createEvent.

Is there any boilerplate demo I can use? I followed the tutorial on the page but this didn't help.

Matěj Suchánek (talkcontribs)

I am not sure but you probably didn't provide all necessary methods in the presentation model. You can use the CodeSearch tool to grep for live examples.

000Tom0000 (talkcontribs)

I used one of the Echo's itself (https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-Echo/blob/master/includes/formatters/EditThresholdPresentationModel.php) and according to the documentation getHeaderMessage has a default value. I stripped down as much as possible as with all methods it also failed to show up. I even tried to do a var_dump in the construct but it just seems the presentation model does not show up. I've tried setting

'presentation-model' => EchoDemoPresentationModel::class, and 'presentation-model' => "EchoDemoPresentationModel", as examples show but still no luck. It seems I am missing some crucial detail somewhere but can't find it.

Matěj Suchánek (talkcontribs)

Other problem I can think of is invalid/missing input for EchoEvent::create. It could be a typo, e.g. in 'type' => '...'. Anyway, try Manual:How to debug and inspect JavaScript console or trigger the API call action=query&meta=notifications&... yourself (using Special:ApiSandbox or by hand). With server-side debugging, you should be able to capture the problem.

000Tom0000 (talkcontribs)

I've been using your information to look further and with the API I find my notification

                   "wiki": "demowiki",
                   "id": 48816,
                   "type": "demo-notif",
                   "category": "demo-notif",
                   "section": "local",
                   "timestamp": {
                       "utciso8601": "2020-09-29T10:35:15Z",
                       "utcunix": 1601375715,
                       "unix": "1601382915",
                       "utcmw": "20200929103515",
                       "mw": "20200929123515",
                       "date": "Vandaag"
                   "targetpages": []

but as soon as I press the icon on my wiki, it is gone out of this list. Seems that it gets the status "seen" but without me actually seeing it. I looked into the networking of what Echo uses and saw that as soon the API call "api.php?action=query&format=json&formatversion=2&meta=notifications&notsections=alert&notformat=model&notlimit=25&notprop=list|count|seenTime&uselang=nl&notcrosswikisummary=1&_=1601375603058" happens, it gets removed out of the list. Now as soon as I create a new event and use that second api call it never shows up. My event is never in this list.

It seems from that API call "&notformat=model" is the one who deletes my event and doesn't show it. Any idea what that is related to? The documentation just tells me that notformat=model means that RAW data will be send (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Notifications/API)

Matěj Suchánek (talkcontribs)

When I make the same API call on this wiki, I get stuff like:

Besides the general "*" key, the "title" and "agent" are missing in your response. Do you provide these two to the EchoEvent::create call, as per Adding code to trigger the event? They are not listed as mandatory but I believe there might be some default code (to be overridden) failing on null values.

000Tom0000 (talkcontribs)

I've just added those two but no luck. the format=nomodel keeps "deleting"

$created = EchoEvent::create([

   'type' => 'demo-notif',
   'title' => Title::newFromText( "Hoofdpagina", $defaultNamespace=NS_MAIN ),
   'extra' => [
       "achievement_id" => $id,
       "user_id" => $userId,
       "description" => "Hey daar"
   'agent' => User::newFromId(12)


$created Contains a valid EchoEvent

EchoEvent(id=48831; type=demo-notif)

000Tom0000 (talkcontribs)

Ok, after filtering out the logs ([Echo] No presentation model found for event type "demo-notif") with command tail -f debug-demowiki.log | grep --line-buffered "demo-notif". It seemed that my AutoLoad of the model class wasn't working? When looking in my extension I noticed I used

"AutoloadNamespaces": {
  "MediaWiki\\Extension\\Demo\\": "includes/"


which doesn't actually load the classes. After adding

"AutoloadClasses": {
  "EchoDemoPresentationModel": "includes/EchoDemoPresentationModel.php"

It started working, thanks for the hints were to look Matěj! And for people who stumble on this thread, make sure to actually load the representation class!

Save notification body text in the event?

Samwilson (talkcontribs)

The example on this page adds an 'excerpt' extra parameter to the event, which is then displayed as the notification body. Is this best practice? Or, is it preferred if possible to store the least amount of data in the event, and look up anything else when the notification is displayed?

For example, the Thanks extension stores an edit excerpt (using EchoDiscussionParser::getEditExcerpt()) in the event, but then when displaying the notification first tries to look up the revision comment and will use that if it can (i.e. if it's still visible to the user) and only if it can't use that will it display the stored excerpt.

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