Extension talk:Cumulus

Latest comment: 15 years ago by Kabanoff
  • Categories are recovered by a sub-version of Extension:NiceCategoryList2 extension

No flash error

  • I followed the instructions on the page, but it doesn't seem to work for me: http://www.coreboot.org/User:Stepan -- the second cumulus tag on the page prints a message "This will be shown to users with no Flash or Javascript.", and the first one has an empty tag cloud. Any ideas?
    • It is because the SWFObject is now incompatible - if you use the swfobject.js from the wordpress package, then you should be Ok - it worked for me! Turbo Dragon 12:32, 29 September 2009 (UTC)Reply
      • No, sorry, no luck with any version of SWFObject. I don't think this is the problem. Meanwhile I can't get any output from the plugin at all anymore, but I do get this in the logs:
 [08-Apr-2010 23:27:16] PHP Warning:  Parameter 3 to CumulusWiki::hookCumulus() expected to be a reference, value given in /srv/www/vhosts/www.coreboot.org/includes/parser/Parser.php on line 3243
  • Ha, found it:
--- cumulus.php.orig    2010-04-08 23:12:49.000000000 +0200
+++ cumulus.php 2010-04-09 00:06:11.000000000 +0200
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
      *                 in $this->settings.
      *     $parser     Parser handle.
-    public function hookCumulus($category, $argv, &$parser) {
+    public function hookCumulus( $category, $argv, $parser, $frame ) {
         // Get any user-specified parameters, and save them in $this->settings.
         $this->settings = array_merge($this->settings, $argv);

This fixes Cumulus for my MediaWiki version (1.15.3 by now). It does not fix the issue of several <cumulus> instances on the same page causing a a "No Flash" error, but that's not critical since I only used it for testing...



You must replace Category:Base_Category by the top category of the tree

My version for no sub-category


Hi - I had trouble with this in my wiki which has few categories. The main problem seemed to be that only sub-categories were being added, and that I don't have a main "root" category...

So I used the tagcloud extension code to make the extension show all of the categories. Also in the code are some filename fixes as the original assumed that /extension was a link to the extensions folder - this should probably use system-wide mw constants though... Turbo Dragon 13:47, 29 September 2009 (UTC)Reply


if (!defined('MEDIAWIKI')) die();

$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfCumulusWiki';
$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
  'name' =>        'CumulusWiki',
  'author' =>      'Luc',
  'url' =>         'http://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Extension:Cumulus',
  'description' => 'WP-Cumulus Port to mediawiki',

 * Sets a parser hook for <cumulus></cumulus>.
function wfCumulusWiki() {
    new CumulusWiki();

 * Simple class to hold category's title, links list,
 * and categories list., taken from NiceCategoryList extension
class CumulusWiki_Links {

    private $title;
    private $articles = array();
    private $categories = array();
    private $subcats = array();

    public function __construct($title) {
        $this->title = $title;

    public function addCategory($title, $links) {
        $this->subcats[] = $title;
        if ($links)
                $this->categories[] = $links;

    public function addArticle($title) {
        $this->articles[] = $title;

     * Get the title of this category.
    public function getTitle() {
        return $this->title;

     * Get the titles of the sub-categories of this category.
    public function getCatTitles() {
        return $this->subcats;

     * Get the titles of the articles in this category.
    public function getArtTitles() {
        return $this->articles;

     * Get the link records of the sub-categories of this category,
     * if we have them.
     * Returns an array of CumulusWiki_Links objects.
    public function getCategories() {
        return $this->categories;

     * Return true iff we have link records for the sub-categories
     * of this category.
    public function hasCatLinks() {
        return count($this->categories) > 0;

     * Title comparison function
    private function titleCmp($a, $b) {
        return $a->getText() > $b->getText();

     * CumulusWiki_Links comparison function
    private function categoryCmp($a, $b) {
        return self::titleCmp($a->title, $b->title);

     * Sort links and categories alphabetically.
    public function sort() {
        usort($this->articles, array(&$this, "titleCmp"));
        usort($this->categories, array(&$this, "categoryCmp"));


class CumulusWiki {

    // Configuration

     * Default settings for the category list.
    private $settings = array(
        'maxdepth'  => 32,           // Sanity stop level.
        'style'     => 12,     // No du style WP-Cumulus
        'showcats'  => 1,            // Non-0 to display sub-cat links in a category.
        'showarts'  => 1,            // Non-0 to display article links in a category.
        'headings'  => 'head',       // Show category headings as headings.
        'headstart' => 1,            // Heading level to start at.
        'sort'      => 0,            // Non-0 to sort the list alphabetically;
                'color'         =>'0x242424',
                'hicolor'       =>'0x996600'


    // Constructor

     * Setup Nice Category List extension.
     * Sets a parser hook for <ncl></ncl>.
    public function __construct() {
            global $wgParser;
            $wgParser->setHook('cumulus', array(&$this, 'hookCumulus'));

    // Hook

     * The hook function.  Handles <ncl></ncl>.
     *     $category   The tag's text content
     *                 this is the name of the category we want to index.
     *     $argv       List of tag parameters; these can be any of the settings
     *                 in $this->settings.
     *     $parser     Parser handle.
    public function hookCumulus($category, $argv, &$parser) {
        // Get any user-specified parameters, and save them in $this->settings.
        foreach ($argv as $key => $value)
            $this->settings[$key] = $value;

        $MIN_SIZE = 77;
        $INCREASE_FACTOR = 100;

        global $wgScript;
        $dbr = &wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);

        $cloud_style = @$params['style'];
        $cloud_classes = preg_split( '/\s+/', @$params['class'] );
        array_unshift( $cloud_classes, "tagcloud" );
        $link_style = $params['linkstyle'];
        $link_classes = preg_split( '/\s+/', @$params['linkclass'] );
        $min_count_input = getBoxExtensionOption($input, "min_count");
        $min_size_input = getBoxExtensionOption($input, "min_size");
        $increase_factor_input = getBoxExtensionOption($input, "increase_factor");
        if ($min_size_input != null) {
                $MIN_SIZE = $min_size_input;
        if ($increase_factor_input != null) {
                $INCREASE_FACTOR = $increase_factor_input;
        if ($min_count_input == null) {
                $min_count_input = 0;

        $excluded_input = getBoxExtensionOption($input, "exclude");

        $exclude_condition = "";
        if (strlen($excluded_input) > 0) {
                $excluded_categories = explode(",", $excluded_input);
                if (count($excluded_categories) > 0) {
                        $exclude_condition = " WHERE cl_to NOT IN (";
                        for ($i = 0; $i < count($excluded_categories); $i++) {
                                $exclude_condition = $exclude_condition . "'" . trim($excluded_categories[$i]) . "'";
                                if ($i < count($excluded_categories) - 1) {
                                        $exclude_condition = $exclude_condition . ",";
                        $exclude_condition = $exclude_condition . ")";

        // Get the database handle, and get all the category links for
        // this category.
        $dbr =& wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);

        $sql = "SELECT cl_to as title, COUNT(*) as count FROM $categorylinks  " . $exclude_condition . " GROUP BY cl_to HAVING count >= $min_count_input ORDER BY cl_to ASC";

        $res = $dbr->query($sql);
        $count = $dbr->numRows($res);

        $tagList = "";

        $min = 1000000;
        $max = -1;

        // find biggest and smallest categories
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                $obj = $dbr->fetchObject($res);
                $tags[$i][0] = $obj->title;
                $tags[$i][1] = $obj->count;
                if ($obj->count < $min) {
                        $min = $obj->count;
                if ($obj->count > $max) {
                        $max = $obj->count;

        // Now - go through the categories and put them into the list

        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                $textSize = $MIN_SIZE + ($INCREASE_FACTOR * ($tags[$i][1])) / ($max);
                $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_CATEGORY, $tags[$i][0] );

                //if( $style != '' && $style{-1} != ';' ) $style .= ';';
                //$style .= "font-size: {$textSize}%;";
                $style = $textSize/10;

                //$output .=  "<a href='" . $title->getLocalURL() . "' style='".$style."' color='".$this->settings['color']."' hicolor='".$this->settings['hicolor']."'>" . $title->getText() . "</a>";
                $output .=  "<a href='" . $title->getLocalURL() . "' style='".$style."' color='".$this->settings['color']."' hicolor='".$this->settings['hicolor']."'>" . $title->getText() . "</a>";

                //$currentRow = "<a class=\"" . implode( ' ', $link_classes ) . "\" style=\"{$style}\" href=\"" . $title->getLocalURL() . "\">" . $title->getText() . "</a>&nbsp; ";

        <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/mediawiki/extensions/cumulus/swfobject.js\"></script>

        <div id=\"flashcontent\"></div>

        <script type=\"text/javascript\">
                var so = new SWFObject(\"/mediawiki/extensions/cumulus/tagcloud.swf\", \"tagcloud\", \"250\", \"250\", \"7\", \"#ffffff\");
                // uncomment next line to enable transparency
                so.addParam(\"wmode\", \"transparent\");
                so.addVariable(\"tcolor\", \"0x333333\");
                so.addVariable(\"mode\", \"tags\");
                so.addVariable(\"distr\", \"true\");
                so.addVariable(\"tspeed\", \"100\");
                so.addVariable(\"tagcloud\", \"<tags>$output</tags>\");


        $localParser = new Parser();

        return $output;

    // Database Access

     * Get all of the direct and indirect members of a given category: ie.
     * all of the articles and categories which belong to that category
     * and its children.
     *     $dbr        The database handle
     *     $catTitle   The Title object for the category to search
     *     $depth      Our current recursion depth: starts at 0
     *     $processed  List of categories that have been searched to date
     *                 (to prevent looping)
     * Returns null if this category has already been searched; otherwise,
     * a CumulusWiki_Links object for the given category, containing all
     * the sub-categories and member articles.
    private function searchCategory($dbr, $catTitle, $depth, $processed = array()) {
        // Avoid endless recursion by making sure we haven't been here before.
        if (in_array($catTitle->getText(), $processed))
            return null;
        $processed[] = $catTitle->getText();

        // Get all of the category links for this category.
        $links = $this->getCategoryLinks($dbr, $catTitle);

        // Build a list of items which belong to this category.
        $cl = new CumulusWiki_Links($catTitle);
        foreach ($links as $l) {
                // Make a Title for this item.
            $title = Title::makeTitle($l->page_namespace, $l->page_title);

            if ($title->getNamespace() == NS_CATEGORY) {
                // This item is itself a category: recurse to find all its
                // links, unless we've hit maxdepth.
                $subLinks = null;
                if ($depth + 1 < $this->settings['maxdepth'])
                    $subLinks = $this->searchCategory($dbr, $title,
                                                      $depth + 1, $processed);

                // Record the subcategory name, and its links if we got any.
                $cl->addCategory($title, $subLinks);
            } else {
                // This is a regular page; just add it to the list.

        // Sort the item lists, if requested.  (Thanks, Jej.)
        //if ($this->settings['sort'])
          //  $cl->sort();

        return $cl;

     * Get all of the direct members of a given category.
     *     $dbr        The database handle
     *     $title      The Title object for the category to search
     * Returns an array of objects, each representing one member of the named
     * caregory.  Each object contains the following fields from the database:
     *      page_title
     *      page_namespace
     *      cl_sortkey
    private function getCategoryLinks($dbr, $title) {
            // Query the database.
        $res = $dbr->select(
            array('page', 'categorylinks'),
            array('page_title', 'page_namespace', 'cl_sortkey'),
            array('cl_from = page_id', 'cl_to' => $title->getDBKey()),
            array('ORDER BY' => 'cl_sortkey')
        if ($res === false)
                return array();

        // Convert the results list into an array.
        $list = array();
        while ($x = $dbr->fetchObject($res))
                $list[] = $x;

        // Free the results.

        return $list;

    // Output

     * Generate output for the list.
    function outputCategory($category, $level = 0) {
        global $wgContLang;

        $output = '';

        // The second level and onwards has a heading.
        // The heading gets smaller as the level grows.
        if ($level > 0) {
            $title = $category->getTitle();
            $ptitle = $title->getPrefixedText();
            $title = $wgContLang->convert($title->getText());
            $link = "[[:" . $ptitle . "|'''" . $title . "''']]";

               $output .=  "<a href='http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."/index.php?title=Category:$title' style='".$this->settings['style']."' color='".$this->settings['color']."' hicolor='".$this->settings['hicolor']."'>$title</a>";


        // Recurse into each subcategory.
        $subCategories = $category->getCategories();
        foreach ($subCategories as $cat)
                        $cttemp=$this->outputCategory($cat, $level + 1);
            $output .= $this->outputCategory($cat, $level + 1);


        return $output;


Extension don't work properly


It does not work properly for me, I have the same message: "This will be shown to users with no Flash or Javascript." (see pic.). I have read a manual, used various combinations of installation and the distribution kit, but it has not helped me.

Extension don't work properly

My version of system:

  • MediaWiki: 1.15.0
  • PHP: 5.2.8 (apache2handler)
  • MySQL: 5.1.30-community-log

Your extension is very useful, I'd like to use it in my wiki. Thanks. Kabanoff 13:34, 10 December 2009 (UTC)Reply

version of swfobjet


API of swfobject changed with versions 2.0 and upper. You MUST use version 1.5 max to make this extension work, which can be found here [1]

JP Ayanidès, 11:15, 12 March 2010 (UTC)

still does not work.

It depends on your relative path


On Ubuntu (10.04 server), I got the same problem. If you have the Alias /mediawiki /var/lib/mediawiki active in your /etc/mediawiki/apache.conf, you could change some lines in the cumulus.php, so that the extensions can be found. See the fragment in the example on this discussion page (section: #My version for no sub-category). Check the paths for swfobject.js and tagcloud.swf in this sample and compare it with yours:

        <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/mediawiki/extensions/cumulus/swfobject.js\"></script>
        <div id=\"flashcontent\"></div>
        <script type=\"text/javascript\">
                var so = new SWFObject(\"/mediawiki/extensions/cumulus/tagcloud.swf\", \"tagcloud\", \"250\", \"250\", \"7\", \"#ffffff\");
                // uncomment next line to enable transparency
                so.addParam(\"wmode\", \"transparent\");
                so.addVariable(\"tcolor\", \"0x333333\");
                so.addVariable(\"mode\", \"tags\");
                so.addVariable(\"distr\", \"true\");
                so.addVariable(\"tspeed\", \"100\");
                so.addVariable(\"tagcloud\", \"<tags>$output</tags>\");

I hope it helps...

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