Extension talk:Chartie

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Parzival1200 (talkcontribs)

How should the csv file be designed?

I have problems with the Data being displayed from a csv file.

Can I adjust the rows and colums used?

Martynov Maxim (talkcontribs)

Each row of CSV file should follow the format:


Order of columns does matter. Other columns are ignored.

Reply to "CSV data design"
DGWKJacobs (talkcontribs)

Is it possible to make the width of the total chart including legend a percentage of the screen width? Auto doesnt quite work for me since it expands the screen to the right.

DGWKJacobs (talkcontribs)

I changed: chart[id].width  = Math.max(((window.innerWidth  !== 0) ? window.innerWidth  : screen.width )-220, 735); in Chartie.js. -220 set to -420 makes it fit the screen. (talkcontribs)

Is it possible to set a max Y value? For context, I'm trying to use a percentage graph and fix y axis from 0 to 100, regardless of data values. Is this doable?

Thanks ---~~~~~

Martynov Maxim (talkcontribs)

For this moment it is not possible because extension does not provide a way for setting certain axis ranges. But you can contribute changes to add such functionality.

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