Extension:Collection/XML Bridge/Examples

Example using MWXHTML



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <style media="screen, projection" type="text/css">
                        @import "http://en.wikipedia.org/skins-1.5/common/shared.css?156";
                        @import "http://en.wikipedia.org//skins-1.5/monobook/main.css?156";
    <div class="mwx.section">

      <div class="mwx.paragraph" />
      <table class="ext-infobox ext-status-unstable" style="float:right; min-width:20%; background-color:white">
          <a class="mwx.link.article" href="Manual:Extensions">Manual on MediaWiki Extensions</a>
        </strong><br />
          <a class="mwx.link.article" href="Extension Matrix">List of MediaWiki Extensions</a>

          <td colspan="2" style="padding-top:0.5em">
            <a class="mwx.link.image" href="Image:Crystal Clear app error.png">
              <img alt="" src="/imageresolver/Crystal Clear app error.png" width="40" />Crystal Clear app error.png</a><span style="font-size: 130%;">XML Bridge</span>
            <br /> Release status: unstable  </td>
          <td style="vertical-align:top">

            <a class="mwx.link.special" href="Extension#description">
          </td><td> Converts MediaWiki markup to XHTML </td>
          <td style="vertical-align:top">
            <a class="mwx.link.special" href="Extension#download">

            <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://code.pediapress.com/wiki/wiki/mwlib">http://code.pediapress.com/wiki/wiki/mwlib</a>
      </table><div class="mwx.paragraph" />
      <div class="mwx.section">

        <h2>Introduction </h2>
        <div class="mwx.paragraph">Wiki syntax, due to its lack of formalization and &#8220;ad hoc&#8221; nature, is not well- suited for text transformation to other formats. It is desirable to implement support for an intermediate format based on XML, which will make it possible to use standard XML parsing and transformation libraries on the source content. While MediaWiki's native parser exports to XHTML- transitional, the conversion from wiki syntax to XHTML is a lossy one: information about the templates used, the parameters for extensions and images, and so on, is not preserved. This makes many conversions impossible, because the information needed for the conversion is not present.</div>
        <div class="mwx.paragraph">It is therefore planned to develop software that converts MediaWiki-articles to an XHTML-based representation. XHTML is well suited to derive other formats like PDF or ODF.</div>
        <div class="mwx.paragraph">As much semantic information from the wiki source text as possible will be preserved by using XHTML features such as namespaces.</div>
        <div class="mwx.paragraph">The transformation to an XHTML-based format that preserves semantic information will enable a vast number of uses by programmers, and will also allow a long-term transition to XML as a backend storage format for wiki articles.</div>

        <div class="mwx.paragraph">Development is assigned to <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://pediapress.com"> PediaPress</a> and funded by the <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://col.org"> Commonwealth of Learning</a>
      </div><div class="mwx.section">
        <h2>Current Status </h2>
        <div class="mwx.paragraph">An initial alpha code release is available as part of the <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://code.pediapress.com"> mwlib</a> python MediaWiki library. (see <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://code.pediapress.com/hg/mwlib/file/tip/mwlib/xhtmlwriter.py"> xhtmlwriter.py</a>). Feel free to use and comment on it.</div><div class="mwx.paragraph">Although this code is still lacking some features it may be a good starting point to develop alternative XML output formats.</div>

        <div class="mwx.paragraph">There is  a <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://groups.google.com/group/mwlib"> google group</a> for support and discussion of mwlib and derived applications.</div><div class="mwx.paragraph">See <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://code.pediapress.com/wiki/wiki/mwlib"> this page for installation instructions</a>.</div>
      </div><div class="mwx.section">
        <h2>Current Implementation </h2>
        <div class="mwx.paragraph">The initial implementation is based on XHTML1.0 transitional extended by <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microformats"> Microformats</a> where necessary. </div><div class="mwx.paragraph">This is to support the <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:HTML_in_wikitext"> presentational HTML4.01 Elements allowed in wikitext</a> by MediaWiki.</div><div class="mwx.paragraph">A future implementation could be based on XHTML1.1 strict plus MathML.</div>

        <div class="mwx.paragraph">You may want to have a look at the proposed XML-Format <a class="mwx.link.article" href="Extension:XML Bridge/MWXHTML">Extension:XML Bridge/MWXHTML</a>
        </div><div class="mwx.paragraph">The XML is generated based on the parse-tree generated by the <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://code.pediapress.com"> mwlib</a> MediaWiki-markup parsing library.</div>
      </div><div class="mwx.section">
        <h2>Development &amp; Evaluation </h2>

        <div class="mwx.paragraph">The xhtmlwriter.py is part of the <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://code.pediapress.com"> mwlib python library</a>. See <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://code.pediapress.com"> this page</a> for installation instructions.</div><div class="mwx.paragraph">There is a xml-server app in the sandbox directory, which acts as a Mediawiki (which must support the new API) proxy, converting wikitext to xhtml as you browse.</div>
      </div><div class="mwx.section">
        <h2>Long Term Goal </h2>
        <div class="mwx.paragraph">... is to have a solid XML-Export/Import that allows to replace the MediaWiki-Markup with a XML-representation, this may coincide with WYSIWIG-editing in MediaWiki.</div>

        <div class="mwx.paragraph">Steps toward this goal: </div>
          <li> initial release of XML-Exporter code </li>
          <li> develop XML-&gt;mw-markup converter so one can convert back and forth </li>
          <li> discuss and incrementally improve the xml-markup </li>

          <li> discuss whether usage of certain html-styling and template usage can be labeled deprecated</li>
          <li> check edits and notify users if using wrong or deprecated markup </li>
          <li> fix or remove all broken/deprecated markup,html-styling,inappropriate template usage</li>
          <li> switch to xml</li>
        </ul><div class="mwx.paragraph" />

      </div><div class="mwx.section">
        <h2>Other considered Implementation Options </h2>
        <div class="mwx.section">
          <h3>MediaWiki specific XML Language </h3>
          <div class="mwx.paragraph">
            <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2006/01/08/No-New-XML-Languages"> Don&#8217;t Invent XML Languages</a> - at least for now.</div>

        </div><div class="mwx.section">
          <h3>DocBook </h3>
          <div class="mwx.paragraph">DocBook is a very large markup language. A more abbreviated version, Simplified DocBook, removes a number of redundant elements. DocBook NG schema (customizable namespaces) is under development. </div>
          <div class="mwx.paragraph">Conclusion: DocBook is overly complicated while still lacking features in order to fully support a lossless representation of MW markup.</div>
        </div><div class="mwx.section">
          <h3>XHTML </h3>
          <div class="mwx.paragraph">XHTML is well supported by many applications and libraries.  XHTML can be mixed with other namespaces (xhtml remains if stripped). Currently MW-markup allows to mix in HTML and even css styles.  Therefore a lossless XML representation would need to support a subset of the XHTML specification.</div>

          <div class="mwx.paragraph">MW-markup expresses semantics (e.g. sections) which are not supported by XHTML1.0. Hence pure XHTML is not sufficient. </div>
        </div><div class="mwx.section">
          <h3>XHTML + Additional namespace </h3>
          <div class="mwx.paragraph">We considered to combine XHTML with a proprietary MediaWiki specific namesspace (xmlns:mwx) using the best of two worlds  (compatibility with existing tools and lossless representation).</div>
          <div class="mwx.paragraph">For e.g. a category-link could be written as:</div>
          <div class="mwx.paragraph">
            <code class="mwx.source">&lt;a href="Kategorie:Extensions" mwx:linktype="category"&gt;Extensions&lt;/a&gt;</code>

          </div><div class="mwx.paragraph">Other suitable namespaces can be included like <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://www.w3.org/Math/"> MathML</a>
          </div><div class="mwx.paragraph">This still requires to invent and add a new XML-Language which is considered harmful(see above).</div>
        </div><div class="mwx.section">
          <h3>XHTML + Microformats </h3>
          <div class="mwx.paragraph">Use Microformats to semantically annotate generated XHTML.</div>
          <div class="mwx.paragraph">

            <code class="mwx.source">
 &lt;div class="mwx.section" title="some heading"&gt;
  &lt;h2&gt;some heading&lt;/h2&gt;
    &lt;a href="SomePage" class="mwx.link.internal"&gt;some page within the same wiki&lt;/a&gt;

          </div><div class="mwx.paragraph">
            <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://microformats.org/wiki?title=mediawiki-mark-up-issues&amp;redirect=no"> Discussion on microformats in MediaWikis</a>
          </div><div class="mwx.paragraph">See the planned implementation: <a class="mwx.link.article" href="Extension:XML_Bridge/MWXHTML">Extension:XML_Bridge/MWXHTML</a>
      </div><div class="mwx.section">

        <h2>Open Issues </h2>
        <div class="mwx.section">
          <h3>Templates </h3>
            <li> Currently it seem impossible to correctly mark all uses of templates within the XML output.</li>

      </div><div class="mwx.section">
        <h2>Related Projects </h2>
            <a class="mwx.link.article" href="Extension:Wiki2xml">Extension:Wiki2xml</a> (abandoned)</li><li>
            <a class="mwx.link.article" href="DocBook_XML_export">DocBook_XML_export</a> (never started)</li><li>

            <a class="mwx.link.article" href="Extension:Open_Office_Export">Extension:Open_Office_Export</a> (abandoned)</li><li>
            <a class="mwx.link.article" href="Extension:Data Transfer">Extension:Data Transfer</a>
            <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://cnx.org/help/CNXMLLanguage"> Connexions XML Language</a>
            <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://ilps.science.uva.nl/WikiXML/xmlformat.php"> WikiXML: XML format</a>

            <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://www.riehle.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/a5-junghans.pdf"> An XML Interchange Format for Wiki Creole 1.0</a>
            <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://web.archive.org/web/20060704163408/doc-book.sourceforge.net/homepage/"> DocBook Wiki</a>
            <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/XHTML"> about XHTML produced by MediaWiki</a>

            <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikitext_standard"> Wikitext Standard</a> ... describe and formalize a 1.0 version of the Wikitext language, based on what is used currently. (last edit: 29 June 2007)</li><li>
            <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?WikiMarkupStandard"> WikiMarkup Standard</a> discusses ways to allow visitors from one wiki engine to edit pages on other wikis without having to learn their WikiSyntax. (last edit: May 10, 2008 <strong>active discussion</strong>)</li><li>
            <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://web.archive.org/web/20060716015316/http://hula-project.org/Wiki_Conversion"> page collecting info on "wiki conversion"</a> (last modified 15:40, 21 Jun 2006.)</li><li>

              <a class="mwx.link.article" href="Wikipedia_DTD">Wikipedia DTD</a> (last real edit 9 April 2006)</strong>
      </div><div class="mwx.section">
        <h2>See also </h2>

            <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki#Limitations"> MediaWiki Limitations</a>
            <a class="mwx.link.article" href="Alternative parsers">Alternative parsers</a>
            <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://blogs.sun.com/lebo/entry/who_isn_t_using_a"> Can you roundtrip OpenOffice.org to MediaWiki and back again?</a>

            <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://code.pediapress.com/">http://code.pediapress.com/</a>
            <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2006/01/08/No-New-XML-Languages"> Don&#8217;t Invent XML Languages</a>
            <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001116.html"> Is HTML a Humane Markup Language?</a>

            <a class="mwx.link.external" href="http://freshmeat.net/projects/xmldiff/"> XML Diff</a>
            <a class="mwx.link.article" href="WYSIWYG_editor">WYSIWYG_editor</a>
        </ul><div class="mwx.paragraph" />

  </body><!--  Article 'Extension:XML_Bridge': 12 children
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                     'Manual on MediaWiki Extensions'
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                     'List of MediaWiki Extensions'
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                     'Crystal Clear app error.png'
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             'All extensions'
     Section '': 5 children
         Paragraph '': 1 children
             "Wiki syntax, due to its lack of formalization and \u201cad hoc\u201d nature, is not well- suited for text transformation to other formats. It is desirable to implement support for an intermediate format based on XML, which will make it possible to use standard XML parsing and transformation libraries on the source content. While MediaWiki's native parser exports to XHTML- transitional, the conversion from wiki syntax to XHTML is a lossy one: information about the templates used, the parameters for extensions and images, and so on, is not preserved. This makes many conversions impossible, because the information needed for the conversion is not present."
         Paragraph '': 1 children
             'It is therefore planned to develop software that converts MediaWiki-articles to an XHTML-based representation. XHTML is well suited to derive other formats like PDF or ODF.'
         Paragraph '': 1 children
             'As much semantic information from the wiki source text as possible will be preserved by using XHTML features such as namespaces.'
         Paragraph '': 1 children
             'The transformation to an XHTML-based format that preserves semantic information will enable a vast number of uses by programmers, and will also allow a long-term transition to XML as a backend storage format for wiki articles.'
         Paragraph '': 4 children
             'Development is assigned to '
             NamedURL 'http://pediapress.com': 1 children
                 ' PediaPress'
             ' and funded by the '
             NamedURL 'http://col.org': 1 children
                 ' Commonwealth of Learning'
     Section '': 4 children
         Paragraph '': 5 children
             'An initial alpha code release is available as part of the '
             NamedURL 'http://code.pediapress.com': 1 children
                 ' mwlib'
             ' python MediaWiki library. (see '
             NamedURL 'http://code.pediapress.com/hg/mwlib/file/tip/mwlib/xhtmlwriter.py': 1 children
                 ' xhtmlwriter.py'
             '). Feel free to use and comment on it.'
         Paragraph '': 1 children
             'Although this code is still lacking some features it may be a good starting point to develop alternative XML output formats.'
         Paragraph '': 3 children
             'There is  a '
             NamedURL 'http://groups.google.com/group/mwlib': 1 children
                 ' google group'
             ' for support and discussion of mwlib and derived applications.'
         Paragraph '': 3 children
             'See '
             NamedURL 'http://code.pediapress.com/wiki/wiki/mwlib': 1 children
                 ' this page for installation instructions'
     Section '': 5 children
         Paragraph '': 3 children
             'The initial implementation is based on XHTML1.0 transitional extended by '
             NamedURL 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microformats': 1 children
                 ' Microformats'
             ' where necessary. '
         Paragraph '': 3 children
             'This is to support the '
             NamedURL 'http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:HTML_in_wikitext': 1 children
                 ' presentational HTML4.01 Elements allowed in wikitext'
             ' by MediaWiki.'
         Paragraph '': 1 children
             'A future implementation could be based on XHTML1.1 strict plus MathML.'
         Paragraph '': 2 children
             'You may want to have a look at the proposed XML-Format '
             Link '': 1 children
                 'Extension:XML Bridge/MWXHTML'
         Paragraph '': 3 children
             'The XML is generated based on the parse-tree generated by the '
             NamedURL 'http://code.pediapress.com': 1 children
                 ' mwlib'
             ' MediaWiki-markup parsing library.'
     Section '': 2 children
         Paragraph '': 5 children
             'The xhtmlwriter.py is part of the '
             NamedURL 'http://code.pediapress.com': 1 children
                 ' mwlib python library'
             '. See '
             NamedURL 'http://code.pediapress.com': 1 children
                 ' this page'
             ' for installation instructions.'
         Paragraph '': 1 children
             'There is a xml-server app in the sandbox directory, which acts as a Mediawiki (which must support the new API) proxy, converting wikitext to xhtml as you browse.'
     Section '': 4 children
         Paragraph '': 1 children
             '... is to have a solid XML-Export/Import that allows to replace the MediaWiki-Markup with a XML-representation, this may coincide with WYSIWIG-editing in MediaWiki.'
         Paragraph '': 1 children
             'Steps toward this goal: '
         ItemList '': 7 children
             Item '': 1 children
                 ' initial release of XML-Exporter code '
             Item '': 1 children
                 ' develop XML-&gt;mw-markup converter so one can convert back and forth '
             Item '': 1 children
                 ' discuss and incrementally improve the xml-markup '
             Item '': 1 children
                 ' discuss whether usage of certain html-styling and template usage can be labeled deprecated'
             Item '': 1 children
                 ' check edits and notify users if using wrong or deprecated markup '
             Item '': 1 children
                 ' fix or remove all broken/deprecated markup,html-styling,inappropriate template usage'
             Item '': 1 children
                 ' switch to xml'
         Paragraph '': 0 children
     Section '': 5 children
         Section '': 1 children
             Paragraph '': 2 children
                 NamedURL 'http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2006/01/08/No-New-XML-Languages': 1 children
                     ' Don\u2019t Invent XML Languages'
                 ' - at least for now.'
         Section '': 2 children
             Paragraph '': 1 children
                 'DocBook is a very large markup language. A more abbreviated version, Simplified DocBook, removes a number of redundant elements. DocBook NG schema (customizable namespaces) is under development. '
             Paragraph '': 1 children
                 'Conclusion: DocBook is overly complicated while still lacking features in order to fully support a lossless representation of MW markup.'
         Section '': 2 children
             Paragraph '': 1 children
                 'XHTML is well supported by many applications and libraries.  XHTML can be mixed with other namespaces (xhtml remains if stripped). Currently MW-markup allows to mix in HTML and even css styles.  Therefore a lossless XML representation would need to support a subset of the XHTML specification.'
             Paragraph '': 1 children
                 'MW-markup expresses semantics (e.g. sections) which are not supported by XHTML1.0. Hence pure XHTML is not sufficient. '
         Section '': 5 children
             Paragraph '': 1 children
                 'We considered to combine XHTML with a proprietary MediaWiki specific namesspace (xmlns:mwx) using the best of two worlds  (compatibility with existing tools and lossless representation).'
             Paragraph '': 1 children
                 'For e.g. a category-link could be written as:'
             Paragraph '': 1 children
                 Source 'source': 1 children
                     '&lt;a href="Kategorie:Extensions" mwx:linktype="category"&gt;Extensions&lt;/a&gt;'
             Paragraph '': 2 children
                 'Other suitable namespaces can be included like '
                 NamedURL 'http://www.w3.org/Math/': 1 children
                     ' MathML'
             Paragraph '': 1 children
                 'This still requires to invent and add a new XML-Language which is considered harmful(see above).'
         Section '': 4 children
             Paragraph '': 1 children
                 'Use Microformats to semantically annotate generated XHTML.'
             Paragraph '': 1 children
                 Source 'source': 1 children
                     '\n &lt;div class="mwx.section" title="some heading"&gt;\n  &lt;h2&gt;some heading&lt;/h2&gt;\n  \n    &lt;a href="SomePage" class="mwx.link.internal"&gt;some page within the same wiki&lt;/a&gt;\n    \n &lt;/div&gt;\n'
             Paragraph '': 1 children
                 NamedURL 'http://microformats.org/wiki?title=mediawiki-mark-up-issues&amp;redirect=no': 1 children
                     ' Discussion on microformats in MediaWikis'
             Paragraph '': 2 children
                 'See the planned implementation: '
                 Link '': 1 children
     Section '': 1 children
         Section '': 1 children
             ItemList '': 1 children
                 Item '': 1 children
                     ' Currently it seem impossible to correctly mark all uses of templates within the XML output.'
     Section '': 1 children
         ItemList '': 13 children
             Item '': 2 children
                 Link '': 1 children
                 ' (abandoned)'
             Item '': 2 children
                 Link '': 1 children
                 ' (never started)'
             Item '': 2 children
                 Link '': 1 children
                 ' (abandoned)'
             Item '': 1 children
                 Link '': 1 children
                     'Extension:Data Transfer'
             Item '': 1 children
                 NamedURL 'http://cnx.org/help/CNXMLLanguage': 1 children
                     ' Connexions XML Language'
             Item '': 1 children
                 NamedURL 'http://ilps.science.uva.nl/WikiXML/xmlformat.php': 1 children
                     ' WikiXML: XML format'
             Item '': 1 children
                 NamedURL 'http://www.riehle.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/a5-junghans.pdf': 1 children
                     ' An XML Interchange Format for Wiki Creole 1.0'
             Item '': 1 children
                 NamedURL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20060704163408/doc-book.sourceforge.net/homepage/': 1 children
                     ' DocBook Wiki'
             Item '': 1 children
                 NamedURL 'http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/XHTML': 1 children
                     ' about XHTML produced by MediaWiki'
             Item '': 2 children
                 NamedURL 'http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikitext_standard': 1 children
                     ' Wikitext Standard'
                 ' ... describe and formalize a 1.0 version of the Wikitext language, based on what is used currently. (last edit: 29 June 2007)'
             Item '': 4 children
                 NamedURL 'http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?WikiMarkupStandard': 1 children
                     ' WikiMarkup Standard'
                 ' discusses ways to allow visitors from one wiki engine to edit pages on other wikis without having to learn their WikiSyntax. (last edit: May 10, 2008 '
                 Strong '': 1 children
                     'active discussion'
             Item '': 2 children
                 NamedURL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20060716015316/http://hula-project.org/Wiki_Conversion': 1 children
                     ' page collecting info on "wiki conversion"'
                 ' (last modified 15:40, 21 Jun 2006.)'
             Item '': 1 children
                 Strong '': 2 children
                     Link '': 1 children
                         'Wikipedia DTD'
                     ' (last real edit 9 April 2006)'
     Section '': 2 children
         ItemList '': 8 children
             Item '': 1 children
                 NamedURL 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki#Limitations': 1 children
                     ' MediaWiki Limitations'
             Item '': 1 children
                 Link '': 1 children
                     'Alternative parsers'
             Item '': 1 children
                 NamedURL 'http://blogs.sun.com/lebo/entry/who_isn_t_using_a': 1 children
                     ' Can you roundtrip OpenOffice.org to MediaWiki and back again?'
             Item '': 1 children
                 URL 'http://code.pediapress.com/': 0 children
             Item '': 1 children
                 NamedURL 'http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2006/01/08/No-New-XML-Languages': 1 children
                     ' Don\u2019t Invent XML Languages'
             Item '': 1 children
                 NamedURL 'http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001116.html': 1 children
                     ' Is HTML a Humane Markup Language?'
             Item '': 1 children
                 NamedURL 'http://freshmeat.net/projects/xmldiff/': 1 children
                     ' XML Diff'
             Item '': 1 children
                 Link '': 1 children
         Paragraph '': 1 children
             CategoryLink '': 1 children