
MediaWiki extensions manual
Release status: unmaintained
Implementation Tag
Description This extension allows you to insert teaser (first paragraphs) from your Wordpress blog into a MediaWiki page.
Author(s) Claus van Beek (ClausVB~mediawikiwikitalk)
Latest version 0.9 (2009-11-20)
License GPL (latest version)
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Detailed description edit

This extension allows you to insert teaser (first paragraphs) from your Wordpress blog into a MediaWiki page. PHP5 and "mysqli" (see MySQL improved extension) are required. Work in progress ...

Installation edit

Afterwards continue with your MySQL settings.

MySQL and other settings edit

Your Wordpress installation should contain a file like


with all your MySQL settings. Please copy your values to "wordpress.php".

// MySQL settings
define('WORDPRESS_HOST', 'localhost');
define('WORDPRESS_USER', 'mysql_user');
define('WORDPRESS_PASSWORD', 'mysql_password');
define('WORDPRESS_DATABASE', 'wordpress_mysql_database');
define('WORDPRESS_PREFIX', 'wordpress_');

Get help edit

First of all you can use


to get help. This will display all albums and all pictures, which are stored in your Wordpress database.

If you have further questions, please post them here (discussion).

Usage edit

To get help and general informations about your wordpress, please use


Work in progress ...

Code edit

I tried to comment my code. If you have any questions or need more comments on a special line, please let me know.


// MySQL settings
define('WORDPRESS_HOST', 'localhost');
define('WORDPRESS_USER', 'mysql_user');
define('WORDPRESS_PASSWORD', 'mysql_password');
define('WORDPRESS_DATABASE', 'wordpress_mysql_database');
define('WORDPRESS_PREFIX', 'wordpress_');

// Other settings
define('WORDPRESS_URI', 'http://your-domain.tld/wordpress/'); // trailing "/" is IMPORTANT
define('STRFTIME_LC_ALL', 'german');
define('STRFTIME_SETTINGS', '%A, %d. %B %Y (%H:%M:%S)'); // '%A, %B %d, %Y (%H:%M:%S)'

$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wordpress';

function wordpress()
  global $wgParser;
  $wgParser->setHook('wordpress', 'process_wordpress');

function process_wordpress($input, $args, $parser)

  // If MySQL cannot be connected, do nothing and exit function
  if (mysqli_connect_errno())
    return '<h2>MySQL settings are wrong</h2> <p><strong>Error: "' . mysqli_connect_error() . '"</strong>. Please open</p> <pre>' .  __FILE__ . '</pre> <p>and check WORDPRESS_HOST, WORDPRESS_USER, WORDPRESS_PASSWORD, WORDPRESS_DATABASE and WORDPRESS_PREFIX, please.</p>';

  // SET all encodings from an to RDBMS to UTF-8
  $db->query('SET character_set_results = utf8');
  $db->query('SET character_set_client = utf8');

  setlocale(LC_ALL, STRFTIME_LC_ALL);

   * help, e.g. <wordpress>help</wordpress>
  if ($input == 'help')
    // Select basic stats
    $select_stats = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS how_many_posts, SUM(comment_count) AS sum_of_all_comments FROM ' . WORDPRESS_PREFIX . 'posts WHERE post_status = "publish"';
    $result_stats = $db->query($select_stats)
      or die('ERROR MySQL: ' . $db->error . '<pre>' . $select_stats . '</pre>');
    $row_stats = $result_stats->fetch_assoc();

    // Select date of last post and last comment
    $select_last_date = 'SELECT MAX(post_date) AS last_post_date, MAX(comment_date) AS last_comment_date FROM ' . WORDPRESS_PREFIX . 'posts, ' . WORDPRESS_PREFIX . 'comments WHERE post_status = "publish" AND comment_approved = 1';
    $result_last_date = $db->query($select_last_date)
      or die('ERROR MySQL: ' . $db->error . '<pre>' . $select_last_date . '</pre>');
    $row_last_date = $result_last_date->fetch_assoc();

    // Select wordpress settings
    $select_settings = 'SELECT option_value FROM ' . WORDPRESS_PREFIX . 'options
      WHERE option_name = "home" OR option_name = "permalink_structure"';
    $result_settings = $db->query($select_settings)
      or die('ERROR MySQL: ' . $db->error . '<pre>' . $select_settings . '</pre>');
    $row_settings = $result_settings->fetch_assoc();
    $wordpress_home = $row_settings['option_value'] . '/';
    $row_settings = $result_settings->fetch_assoc();
    $wordpress_permalink_structure = $row_settings['option_value'];

    // Introduction and help text
    $output = '<h2>&lt;wordpress&gt;help&lt;/wordpress&gt;</h2> <p>This help will try to teach a few basics about this extension. WordPress stores data in a MySQL database. To access this data you will have to provide a few things like user and password. Take a look at</p> <pre>' . __FILE__ . '</pre> <p>and change it to your needs.</p> <h2>Your WordPress statistics and settings</h2>';

    $output .= '<ul>' . "\n";
    $output .= '  <li><strong>Sum of all posts</strong>: ' . $row_stats['how_many_posts'] . '</li>' . "\n";
    $output .= '  <li><strong>Sum of all comments</strong>: ' . $row_stats['sum_of_all_comments'] . '</li>' . "\n";
    $output .= '  <li><strong>Last post</strong>: '
      . strftime(STRFTIME_SETTINGS, strtotime($row_last_date['last_post_date']))
      . '</li>' . "\n";
    $output .= '  <li><strong>Last comment</strong>: '
      . strftime(STRFTIME_SETTINGS, strtotime($row_last_date['last_comment_date']))
      . '</li>' . "\n";
      $output .= '  <li><strong>Settings "home"</strong>: ' . $wordpress_home . '</li>' . "\n";
    $output .= '  <li><strong>Settings "permalink_structure"</strong>: ' . $wordpress_permalink_structure . '</li>' . "\n";
    $output .= '</ul>' . "\n";

    if (WORDPRESS_URI == $wordpress_home)
      $check_uri_text = 'Constat &quot;WORDPRESS_URI&quot; is equal to &quot;$wordpress_home&quot;';
      $color = 'green';
      $check_uri_text = 'Constat &quot;WORDPRESS_URI&quot; is NOT equal to &quot;$wordpress_home&quot;';
      $color = 'red';

    $output .= '<p style="color: ' . $color . '">' . $check_uri_text . '</p>' . "\n";

    return $output;
    // Select date of last post and last comment
    $select_posts = 'SELECT post_name, post_title, LEFT(post_content, 500) AS content, post_date, comment_count
      FROM ' . WORDPRESS_PREFIX . 'posts WHERE post_status = "publish" and ID != 2
      ORDER BY post_date DESC';
    $result_posts = $db->query($select_posts)
      or die('ERROR MySQL: ' . $db->error . '<pre>' . $select_posts . '</pre>');

    while ($row_posts = $result_posts->fetch_assoc())
      $comments = ($row_posts['comment_count'] == 0)
        ? 'Kommentare: 0'
        : '<a href="' . WORDPRESS_URI . $row_posts['post_name'] . '.htm#comments" target="_blank">Kommentare: ' . $row_posts['comment_count'] . '</a>';

      $date_and_time = strftime(STRFTIME_SETTINGS, strtotime($row_posts['post_date']));

      $output .= '<fieldset>' . "\n";
      $output .= '<legend>' . $row_posts['post_title'] . '</legend>' . "\n";
      $output .= $row_posts['content'] . "\n";
      $output .= '<p style="font-size: 90%;">erstellt am ' . $date_and_time . ' &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp; <a href="' . WORDPRESS_URI . $row_posts['post_name'] . '.htm" target="_blank">Zum Blog</a> &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp; ' . $comments . '</p>' . "\n";
      $output .= '</fieldset>' . "\n";

    return $output;



Screenshots edit

Work in progress ...