
This page describes more advanced features of the WikiSearch extension, such as how to use property chains and how to extend WikiSearch.

Chained properties


WikiSearch provides support for creating filters with chained properties. Chained properties can be used in any filter. They can also be used as a search term property.

    "key": "Subpage.Foobar",
    "value": "+"

For instance, the above filter matches any page for which the value of the property "Subpage" is a page that contains the property "Foobar".

Special properties


There are a number of special properties defined by Semantic MediaWiki that are worth pointing out. These properties act just like regular properties, but do not appear in Special:Browse. Some of them are:

  • text_copy: (from SemanticMediaWiki documentation) this mapping is used to enable wide proximity searches on textual annotated elements. The text_copy field is a compound field for all strings to be searched when a specific property is unknown.
  • text_raw: this mapping contains unstructured, unprocessed raw text from an article.
  • attachment-title: this mapping contains the title of a file attachment.
  • attachment-content: this mapping contains the content of a file attachment.





This hook is called right before the query is sent to ElasticSearch. It has the following signature:

function onWikiSearchBeforeElasticQuery( array &$query, array &$hosts ) {}

The hook has access to and can alter the given $query. It can also add or remove hosts from the $hosts array.



This hook is called right before returning the final results to the API. It can be used to alter the $results array. This can be useful to filter any pages the user is not allowed to see or add additional data to the query result.

It has the following signature:

function onWikiSearchApplyResultTranslations( array &$results ) {}



This hook must be implemented by any WikiSearch frontend. It gets called when the #WikiSearchFrontend parser function is called. It has the following signature:

function onWikiSearchOnLoadFrontend( 
    string &$result, 
    \WikiSearch\SearchEngineConfig $config, 
    Parser $parser, 
    array $parameters 
) {}
  • string &$result: The result of the call to the parser function. This is the text that will be transcluded on the page.
  • SearchEngineConfig $config: The SearchEngineConfig object of the current page. The SearchEngineConfig object exposes the following methods:
    • getTitle(): Title: The Title associated with this SearchEngineConfig
    • getConditionProperty(): PropertyInfo: The PropertyInfo object associated with the property in the search condition (e.g. Class for Class=Foobar)
      • The PropertyInfo class exposes the following methods:
        • getPropertyID(): int: Returns the property ID
        • getPropertyType(): string: Returns the property type (e.g. txtField or wpgField)
        • getPropertyName(): string: Returns the name of the property (e.g. Class)
    • getConditionValue(): string: Returns the value in the condition (e.g. Foobar in Class=Foobar)
    • getFacetProperties(): array: Returns the facet properties in the config (facet properties are the properties that are **not** prefixed with ?). May be the name of a property (e.g. "Foobar") or a translation pair (e.g. "Foobar=Boofar")
    • getFacetPropertyIDs(): array: Returns a key-value pair list where the key is the ID of the facet property and the value the type of that property
    • getResultProperties(): array: Returns the result properties in the config as PropertyInfo objects (result properties are the properties prefixed with ?)
    • getResultPropertyIDs(): array: Returns a key-value pair list where the key is the name of the result property and the value the ID of that property
    • getSearchParameters(): array: Returns a key-value pair list of additional search parameters
  • Parser $parser: The current Parser object
  • array $parameters: The parameters passed to the #WSSearchFrontend call

Debug mode


To enable debug mode, set $wgWikiSearchEnableDebugMode to true. With debug mode enabled, the raw ElasticSearch query will be returned with each API request.