Extension:WikiLambda/User stories
This page is currently a draft.
This is a collection of potential user stories by type for WikiLambda / Wikifunctions.
Note: Just because we write a user story, that doesn't mean we'll implement software to make it happen. Sometimes it might be fulfilled by third-party tools (e.g. community-maintained gadgets, or tools on Toolsforge), or secondary first-party tools (e.g. we might provide a triple store for advanced querying), or we might de-scope that feature to avoid performance issues, design complexity, or other reasons.
- Contribute
- Create
- As a user with the appropriate ability, I can create a new definition for a function, specifying the number and types of input and the type of output, and optionally labelling the function, each input, and the output in one or more natural languages.
- As a user with the appropriate ability, I can create a new tester for a function, specifying the inputs and expected output, and optionally labelling it.
- As a user with the appropriate ability, I can create a new implementation for a function, specifying the programming language and code, and optionally labelling it.
- [Link/de-link]
- [Trigger test run/re-validation]
- Maintain
- …
- Document
- As a user with the appropriate ability, I can create a documentation entry for a function, including example inline uses of said function.
- …
- Translate
- As a user with the appropriate ability, I can adjust the definition of a function to add or update a label for the function, each input, and the output in one or more natural languages.
- …
- Extend
- …
- Discuss
- …
- Police
- …
- Rule
- …
- Evangelise
- …
- Create
- Use
- …