
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:UseResource and the translation is 50% complete.
Podręcznik rozszerzeń MediaWiki
Status wydania: stabilne
Realizacja Znaczniki
Opis Load JS and CSS in the MediaWiki namespace on a per-page basis.
Autor(zy) Brandon Fowler (BrandonXLFdyskusja)
Ostatnia wersja 1.0.0
Polityka zgodności Snapshots releases along with MediaWiki. Master nie jest kompatybilny wstecznie.
MediaWiki 1.35+
PHP 7+
Licencja Licencja GNU General Public License 2.0 lub nowsza

<usescript src=...>...</usescript>

<usestyle src=...>...</usestyle>
Quarterly downloads 0
Przetłumacz rozszerzenie UseResource jeżeli jest dostępne na translatewiki.net
Problemy Otwarte zadania · Zgłoś błąd

The UseResource extension adds the ‎<usescript> and ‎<usestyle> tags that allow JavaScript and CSS to be loaded from the MediaWiki namespace on a per-page basis.

When used in a template, pages that use the template will load the JS/CSS, this allows for the loading of scripts and stylesheets only used on some pages to be only loaded on the pages they are used on rather than being loaded on all pages using MediaWiki:Common.js and MediaWiki:Common.css or Extension:Gadgets.

Scripts can only be loaded from the MediaWiki namespace to prevent malicious code from being run, if you desire a way for user to edit stylesheets that only affect the content area, see Extension:TemplateStyles.


  • Pobierz i umieść plik(i) w katalogu o nazwie UseResource w folderze extensions/.
    Developers and code contributors should install the extension from Git instead, using:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/UseResource
  • Dodaj poniższy kod na dole twojego pliku LocalSettings.php :
    wfLoadExtension( 'UseResource' );
  •   Zrobione – Przejdź do Special:Version na twojej wiki, aby sprawdzić czy rozszerzenie zostało pomyślnie zainstalowane.


The extension is used by including <usescript src="..." /> or <usestyle src="..." /> tags on wiki pages to load the resource (script or stylesheet), replacing ... with the name of the resource.

Resources must be located in the MediaWiki namespace and can only be edited by uses with the editinterface user right as they are the only users allowed to edit pages in the MediaWiki namespace.

The value of the src attribute is the name of the resource to load. If no namespace is included, the MediaWiki namespace is assumed. For example, if you had a script located at MediaWiki:Test.js, you could load it using <usescript src="test.js" />. This will fail if the requested script does not exist, is not located in the MediaWiki namespace, or if it does not have the correct content model, JavaScript for scripts and CSS for stylesheets.

If the same resource is included on a single page multiple times, it is only run once.