Thanks Julkaisustatus: vakaa |
Toteutus | Käyttöliittymä |
Kuvaus | Tarjoaa käyttäjälle mahdollisuuden kiittää muita käyttäjiä esimerkiksi yksittäisistä muokkauksista. |
Tekijä(t) |
Viimeisin versio | 1.2.0 (Continuous updates) |
Yhteensopivuuskäytäntö | Snapshots releases along with MediaWiki. Master is not backward compatible. |
Lisenssi | MIT-lisenssi |
Lataa | |
Quarterly downloads | 21 (Ranked 115th) |
Public wikis using | 2,442 (Ranked 193rd) |
Voit kääntää Thanks-laajennuksen mikäli se on saatavilla translatewiki.netissä | |
Vagrant-rooli | echo |
Ongelmat | Avoimet tehtävät · Raportoi ongelmasta |
Thanks-laajennus on nopea tapa antaa posiitivista palautetta tuottoisista MediaWikin sivustoihin tehdyistä tuottoisista muokkauksista. It allows users to send public 'thank you' notifications (via Echo ) to other users for their individual edits and some logged actions.
The specific revision that is being "thanked" for is not stored in the public logging table. Only the timestamp, sender, and recipient, are publicly logged.
'Kiitä'-linkki lisätään seuraaviin eri paikkoihin:
- sivuhistoriassa ja eroavaisuusnäkymissä seuraavaksi napiksi 'kumoa'-napista;
- joissain lokimerkinnöissä toimintosivulla Toiminnot:Loki (katso #Määritys alta); ja
- Jäsennettyjen keskustelujen sivuilla kommenteissa jos Flow on asennettu.
Se tarjoaa myös API:n kiitosten lähettämiseen.
Note that if you do not want to be thanked, you can easily disable this notification in your preferences, as described below.
Once you have had a chance to try it out, we welcome your feedback about this feature on the talk page.
We hope that the Thanks notification will make it easier to show appreciation for each other's work – and it should be particularly helpful for encouraging new users during their first critical steps on a wiki. We have intentionally kept this notification as simple as possible, so we can evaluate it and improve it together. Enjoy…
- Lataa ja siirrä purettu kansio nimeltä
Kehittäjien ja koodipaikkauksia tekevien tahojen tulisi asentaa laajennos git-versionhallintaohjelmaa käyttäen:cd extensions/
git clone - Lisää seuraava koodi LocalSettings.php -tiedostosi loppuosaan:
wfLoadExtension( 'Thanks' );
- Määritä tarvittaessa sinulle sopivaksi
- Go to the History action of a page to see the new "Thank" interface.
- Tehty – Mene wikisi sivulle Special:Version vahvistaaksesi, että laajennoksen asennus onnistui.
Enable the Thank interface for bot edits (disabled by default)
$wgThanksSendToBots = false;
Log Thank actions to "Special:Log" (enabled by default)
$wgThanksLogging = true;
Whether or not confirmation is required for sending thanks (enabled by default)
$wgThanksConfirmationRequired = true;
Log entry types that can be thanked from Special:Log:
$wgThanksAllowedLogTypes = [
To thank another user, go to the History tab of any page. Next to each revision will be a 'thank' link. Click the link to send thanks to that user. This link is also available in the diff view, on some entries in Special:Log, and below comments on Flow boards if Flow is installed.
When the thank link is clicked, the recipient will receive a notification with your thanks via the Echo extension (unless they have opted out of receiving thanks notifications). A record of the action is also recorded as a log entry at Special:Log/thanks.
If the wiki is using memcached, a rate limit is imposed of no more than 10 thanks per minute per user. The limit can be configured with $wgRateLimits ['thanks-notification']
Avoiding thanks
To stop getting thanks notifications, you can opt out from them in your notification preferences. Go to the Notifications tab of your preferences. This only prevents you from getting notified, it does not prevent users from thanking you.
API documentation
thank | |
This module cannot be used as a generator. | |
Prefix | |
Required rights | none |
Post only? | Yes |
Generated help | Current |
The Thanks extension includes an API for sending thanks. In order to call the API, use the parameter action=thank
- The revision ID you would like to thank someone for (either this orlog
is required)log
- The log ID you would like to thank someone for (either this orrev
is required)source
- Source of the thank event. This is a short string that identifies where the thanks was sent from. For example, if the thanks was sent from Huggle, the value could be 'huggle'. (optional)token
- Edit token (a.k.a. CSRF token). You can get one of these through the tokens API. (required)
To send thanks via OAuth only the "Basic" grant permission is required. A python example is available.
Flow Thanks
flowthank | |
This module cannot be used as a generator. | |
Prefix | |
Required rights | none |
Post only? | Yes |
Generated help | Current |
There is a separate API for sending Thanks for comments on Flow boards. To call the API, use action=flowthank
- The UUID of the comment for which to send thanks (required)token
- Edit token. You can get one of these through prop=info. (required)
Errors and Warnings
Code | Info |
invalidrecipient | Vastaanottajaa ei löytynyt Botteja ei voi kiittää Et voi kiittää itseäsi |
SQL Documentation
Understanding who thanked who from the logs requires some understanding of the columns.
Within the logging table, the log_title
represents the receiver, and the log_user_text
represents the sender.
The following SQL which finds all the thanks a receiver received within a time period illustrates this:
select log_timestamp as thank_timestamp,
replace(log_title, '_', ' ') as receiver,
log_user_text as sender
from logging_logindex
where log_title = :user_name
and log_action = 'thank'
and :start_date <= log_timestamp
and log_timestamp <= :end_date
Notice also that the logging table is not selected from directly, but on Wikimedia servers we take advantage of the logging_logindex
In order to quickly search for all the thanks a user sent the logging_userindex
provides the correct index.
Katso myös
- w:Wikipedia:Notifications/Thanks - Information about the usage of this extension on English Wikipedia
- Echo (Notifications)/Feature requirements#Thank_you_notification - Initial feature proposal (for the Echo extension)
- Laajennus:WikiLove - Another extension for sending gratitude
- Extension:Echo - Provides the notification system
Tätä laajennusta käytetään yhdessä tai useammassa Wikimedian hankkeessa. Tämä on todennäköisesti merkki siitä, että laajennus on vakaa ja toimii tarpeeksi hyvin voidakseen olla käytössä suosituilla verkkosivuilla. Look for this extension's name in Wikimedia's CommonSettings.php and InitialiseSettings.php configuration files to see where it's installed. Täydellinen lista yksittäiseen wikiin asennetuista laajennuksista löytyy jokaisesta wikistä sivulta Special:Version. |
This extension is included in the following wiki farms/hosts and/or packages: This is not an authoritative list. Some wiki farms/hosts and/or packages may contain this extension even if they are not listed here. Always check with your wiki farms/hosts or bundle to confirm. |