Extension:SocialProfile/API/Avatar removal

Since late May 2024 (6acb1e7956ae33dbcb45928b14b888d72efe2d5e), SocialProfile has included an api.php module for removing a user's avatar, as well as a corresponding api.php module for uploading an avatar. These modules are essentially the api.php versions of the pre-existing Special:UploadAvatar and Special:RemoveAvatar pages.

This API module allows to remove a user's avatar image. If the user has the avatarremove user right, they can remove other users' avatar images; if they don't have it, then they can remove only their own avatar image.

  • user: If the user has the avatarremove user right, this is the name of the user whose avatar is to be removed. If they don't have the user right, this parameter is ignored and the module will simply default to the current user.