
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:SendGrid and the translation is 5% complete.
Manual för MediaWikitillägg
Utgivningsstatus: stabil
Genomförande Underrätta
Beskrivning Tillåter MediaWiki att använda SendGrid API:n för e-post distribuering.
Författare Derick Alangi (X-Savitardiskussion)
Senaste versionen 4.0
Kompatibilitetsregler Snapshots releases along with MediaWiki. Master is not backward compatible.
MediaWiki 1.39+
PHP 7.4+
Composer sendgrid/sendgrid
Licenser GNU General Public License 2.0 eller senare
Ladda ner
  • $wgSendGridAPIKey
Kvartalsnedladdningar 5 (Ranked 130th)
Översätt tillägget SendGrid om det finns tillgängligt på translatewiki.net
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The SendGrid extension enables MediaWiki to send emails through SendGrid's API service.

  • Ladda ner och placera filen/filerna i en katalog som heter SendGrid i din extensions/-mapp.
    Utvecklare och personer som bidrar med kod borde istället installera tillägget från Git, med:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/SendGrid
  • Lägg till följande kod längst ner i din LocalSettings.php -fil:
    wfLoadExtension( 'SendGrid' );
  • Yes Klart – Ta dig till Special:Version på din wiki för att bekräfta att tillägget har installerats ordentligt.
You will have to run composer update in extensions/SendGrid/ folder so that composer can pick up and install the required SendGrid dependencies for the extension to run smoothly.


You need to have an account on www.sendgrid.com and a valid API key in order to successfully send emails via SendGrid using this extension. Instructions to generate an API key can be found in the SendGrid API key documentation.

Varning Varning: Security Warning: Do not put your SendGrid API key directly in the SendGrid/extension.json as this will be a vulnerability allowing someone else to be able to use your account/key to send emails or perform other bad stuff.

Configuration on MediaWiki-Vagrant

Once your MediaWiki-Vagrant environment is setup correctly, do the following to get SendGrid to work properly with your new environment;

  • On your terminal, run: vagrant roles enable sendgrid.

In your SendGrid account settings, generate an API key. With a valid API Key, configure your API key in LocalSettings.php :

$wgSendGridAPIKey = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE";

If you're using this extension with SMTP, make sure to configure your SMTP like below:

$wgSMTP = [
      'host'=> "smtp.yoursmtp.org",
      'IDHost'   => "yourhost.org",
      'port'     => 587,
      'auth'     => true,
      'username' => "yourSMTPusername",
      'password' => "yourSMTPpassword"

Test your settings

Go to Special:EmailUser and send an email to your own address to verify that the extension is working. You'll receive an email from the address you inputed and check to see if it's sent via the SendGrid API (for example; Your Name example@domain.com via sendgrid.net ).

Usage by production wikis

This extension is used by wikis listed here: https://wikiapiary.com/wiki/Extension:SendGrid (via WikiApiary)

Errors or exceptions

If your email fails to send and throws an exception, make sure that $wgPasswordSender matches the email sender identifier used in your SendGrid account.

Notice the change here: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/SendGrid/+/833121