
MediaWiki extensions manual
Release status: stable
Description Easy administration of the rights management; delegation of special rights to groups.
Author(s) Hallo Welt! GmbH
Maintainer(s) Hallo Welt! GmbH
Latest version 4.5
Compatibility policy For every MediaWiki release that is a Long Term Support release there is a corresponding branch in the extension.
MediaWiki 1.39 (LTS)
Database changes Yes
License GNU General Public License 3.0 only
  • $wgPermissionManagerActivePreset
  • $wgPermissionManagerAllowedPresets
Quarterly downloads 32 (Ranked 107th)
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The extension PermissionManager allows an easy and convenient management of usergroup rights.

Usage / features


PermissionManager is used for managing rights or permissions at a group and namespace level:

  • Assignment of permissions to a user group.
  • Display of permissions inherited from groups higher in the hierarchy.
  • Display of permissions blocked by another group.
  • Assignment of permissions on a wiki level (applies to all pages in all namespaces) and on a per-namespace basis. A user group can have certain permission in one namespace but still be denied the same permission in another namespace.
  • Creation of permission templates - a set of predefined permissions that can be easily assigned to any number of user groups.

See also


This extension was originally made for BlueSpice. BlueSpice is a MediaWiki distribution for enterprises and organizations. It enhances MediaWiki, in particular in the areas of quality management, process support, administration, editing and security.

You can download this extension with BlueSpice free.
