Rozšíření:Page Forms/Známé chyby a plánované funkcionality

This page is a translated version of the page Extension:Page Forms/Known bugs and planned features and the translation is 17% complete.

Below are some notable known bugs, and major planned features, for Page Forms .

You can also see a listing of bugs and requested features in the Phabricator Page Forms listing.

Známé chyby

  • If a form contains a section input followed directly by a free text input, there is no way for the code to know which text belongs in the section and which in the free text, so it will all end up in the section input when the page is edited. For that reason, it is not recommended to have a free text input directly after a section input.
  • Files whose names contain non-Latin characters get those characters messed up when they are uploaded via forms - the files themselves are uploaded correctly, but the resulting text that shows up in the form is incorrect.
  • If you use the default MediaWiki URL style, #formlink won't work with the "button" link type. Instead, you should use "post button".
  • The "mandatory" setting does not work within popup forms.
  • Some extra JavaScript-based features, like expandable elements and #info tooltips, don't work in multiple-instance templates for instances that are newly-added by the user within the form. (On the other hand, this does work for the tooltips provided by the SimpleTooltip and RegularTooltips extensions, due to those extensions' use of hooks.)
  • If the CodeEditor extension is installed, it may conflict with Page Forms ' preview action.

Plánované funkcionality

  • Allow #autoedit to add to and remove from a list of values, instead of just overwriting the entire value, possibly using notation like Participants+=Joe User
  • A new parser function to indicate that a page whose name was created with a formula based on one or more of its template fields should be automatically renamed if any of those field are changed.
  • Add handling in forms for the "Sight this revision" checkbox, if the FlaggedRevs extension is installed.
  • Testing scripts using Selenium
  • New selected zoom parameter for mapping inputs (for maps with an existing value)