
Available from version 1.23.0 (Gerrit change 120745)
Allow other extensions (for example, WikimediaMessages) to override the mobile license link
Define function:
public static function onMobileLicenseLink( string &$link, string $context, array $attribs, string &$msg ) { ... }
Attach hook:
$wgHooks['MobileLicenseLink'][] = 'MyExtensionHooks::onMobileLicenseLink';
Called from:File(s): MobileFrontend / includes/MobileFrontendSkinHooks.php
Function(s): getLicense

For more information about attaching hooks, see Manual:Hooks .
For examples of other extensions using this hook, see Category:MobileLicenseLink extensions.


  • &$link: A string representing the HTML link to the license page
  • $context: A string representing the context in which the license link appears, e.g. 'footer', 'editor', 'talk', or 'upload'.
  • $attribs: An associative array of extra HTML attributes to add to the link
  • &$msg: A string representing a message key. Defaults to 'mobile-frontend-copyright'