Extension:LinkedWiki/SPARQL editor

The LinkedWiki extension gives two special pages to test your query:

  1. Special page: SPARQL editor
  2. Special page: Flint Editor (a historic/old SPARQL editor)

The "SPARQL editor" helps you to build also a visualization to insert it in your wiki.

Special page: SPARQL editor


In this editor, you can write a SPARQL query, select a SPARQL service (via your configuration or another endpoint) and a visualization.

This editor gives an example of wiki text with the magic word #sparql that you can copy/paste in your wiki pages.

You have the choice between two types of visualization: Sgvizler2's visualizations (JavaScript charts/tables) or a visualization with customizable HTML table.

HTML table for private data


If your data is only accessible with credentials, you have to use the HTML table visualization to preserve your credentials.

Moreover, by default, the HTML table is saved in the wiki cache. In this manner, your SPARQL service is also less solicited (Details).

Visualizations for public data


For example with the query "The oldest movies in Wikidata", you can insert video players in the visualization. In this special page, you can test it. This is one of the many possibilities of Sgvizler2.

With this special page, you can test your SPARQL query and build a visualization.

Generate the wiki text

If you are finished your query and your visualization, you can copy the text with the magic word #sparql to print this visualization on a page of your wiki.

List of available visualizations


You can see/test all charts of Sgvizler2 here or directly in the "Special:SPARQL editor" page of your wiki.

Another editor, the Flint Editor can help you to write quickly a query on SPARQL 1.0 endpoint.