
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:Lingo and the translation is 100% complete.
This extension is professionally maintained by the WikiTeq team.
WikiTeq provides official support for MediaWiki LTS releases only. It may work with other MediaWiki releases.
MediaWiki 拡張機能マニュアル
リリースの状態: 安定
実装 拡張構文 , 外装
説明 ウィキページで言葉にカーソルを当てると、登録された定義をツールチップに表示する機能です。
メンテナー WikiTeq team
最新バージョン 3.2.4 (2024-12-12)
互換性の方針 長期間サポート リリースであるすべての MediaWiki リリースについて、拡張機能に対応するブランチが存在します。
MediaWiki 1.39
PHP 7.4+
データベースの変更 いいえ
Composer mediawiki/lingo
ライセンス GNU 一般公衆利用許諾書 2.0 以降
Release notes
  • $wgLingoPage
  • $wgLingoWCAGStyle
  • $wgLingoBackend
  • $wgLingoDisplayOnce
  • $wgLingoEnableApprovedRevs
  • $wgLingoUseNamespaces
  • $wgLingoCacheType
四半期ごとのダウンロード数 29 (Ranked 110th)
translatewiki.net で翻訳を利用できる場合は、Lingo 拡張機能の翻訳にご協力ください
問題点 未解決のタスク · バグを報告

Lingo is a glossary extension. It lets you define a list of abbreviations and their definitions on a page and then displays them whenever an abbreviation is hovered over in an article.

The encoding of definitions is WCAG compliant, and should be available in screen readers as well.



既定では Lingo はウィキの Terminology ページ (またはウィキの言語におけるそれぞれのページ) で定義された用語と定義ですべてのページをマークアップすることになっています。 そのページを作成し、次の構文でいくつかのエントリーを挿入するだけです。

;FTP:File Transfer Protocol
;AAAAA:American Association Against Acronym Abuse
;AFAIK:As Far As I Know
;AWGTHTGTATA:Are We Going To Have To Go Through All This Again
;HTTP:HyperText Transfer Protocol


用語集のページを構成するために、用語と定義を別々の行にすることもできます。 セミコロン(;)またはコロン(:)で始まらない行は無視されますので、空行、見出し、説明文などをどんどん入れてください。

Using this format, you may assign one definition to multiple terms, e.g., to cover grammatical variants (see the U.S.A. example below), and multiple definitions to one term, e.g., to cover different meanings (see the ACK example). You may even combine this, i.e., have multiple definitions for a set of multiple terms. Finally, you may also use transclusion, e.g., to have different glossaries for different topics and pull them all together on the Terminology page.

:File Transfer Protocol

:American Association Against Acronym Abuse

:Acklington railway station

:United States of America

Pull in more terminology from elsewhere:


You can exclude an article from markup by including the magic word __NOGLOSSARY__ anywhere in that article's text.

In some cases, it may be necessary to exclude only portions of a page, e.g., because Lingo interferes with some JavaScript. This can be achieved by wrapping that part in an HTML element (e.g., a span or a div) and specifying class="noglossary". As a shorthand for <span class="noglossary"> you can just use the ‎<noglossary> tag.


Lingo supports the Approved Revs extension for the Terminology page. See Customization below.


The extension is pretty well internationalized by now, thanks to the efforts of the volunteers on https://translatewiki.net. (If your language is not supported yet, get an account there and help yourself. It's easy!) To find out the name of the Terminology page and of the __NOGLOSSARY__ magic word in your wiki's language, have a look at the files in the i18n folder and the Lingo.i18n.magic.php file. If you want to change the name of the Terminology page, you can do so by editing the page on your wiki named MediaWiki:lingo-terminologypagename.



Lingo should be installed using Composer. The package name is mediawiki/lingo. For instructions on how to install Composer, see MediaWiki's Composer User manual .

  1. Run COMPOSER=composer.local.json php composer.phar require --no-update mediawiki/lingo ^3.0 from the MediaWiki installation directory.
  2. Run php composer.phar update --no-dev mediawiki/lingo from the MediaWiki installation directory.
    Any future update is then just a call to php composer.phar update --no-dev mediawiki/lingo.
  3. Add to the end of LocalSettings.php : wfLoadExtension('Lingo');
  4. Do some customization if necessary (see below)
  5. Go to the Special:Version page of your wiki and verify that an entry for Lingo exists
  6. From Lingo's entry on the Special:Version page follow the link to the Terminology page of your wiki and insert some entries OR (if this page exists already) edit and re-save it to trigger the recreation of the glossary


If Composer is not an option, you may also install it like this:

  1. Download Lingo 3.2.0 or the current development version (Alternatively you can clone Lingo using git.)
  2. Extract the files to the $IP/extensions directory
  3. If necessary rename the newly created directory to Lingo
  4. Add to the end of LocalSettings.php :
  5. Do some customization if necessary (see below)
  6. Go to the Special:Version page of your wiki and verify that an entry for Lingo exists
  7. From Lingo's entry on the Special:Version page follow the link to the Terminology page of your wiki and insert some entries OR (if this page exists already) edit and re-save it to trigger the recreation of the glossary


Add the following to LocalSettings.php and uncomment/modify as needed:

// specify a different name for the terminology page (Default: 'Terminology' (or localised version). See MediaWiki:Lingo-terminologypagename.)
//$wgexLingoPage = 'Terminology';

// specify that each term should be annotated only once per page (Default: false)
//$wgexLingoDisplayOnce = false;

// specify what namespaces should or should not be used (Default: Empty, i.e. use all namespaces)
//$wgexLingoUseNamespaces[NS_SPECIAL] = false;

// set default cache type (Default: null, i.e. use main cache)
//$wgexLingoCacheType = CACHE_NONE;

// use ApprovedRevs extension on the Terminology page (Default: false)
 //$wgexLingoEnableApprovedRevs = true;

MobileFrontend suppresses Lingo's styling, which makes all Definitions used on the article appear at the end of the page. To avoid this add the following to your LocalSettings.php when using MobileFrontend:

$wgMFRemovableClasses = [ 'base' => [ '.mw-lingo-tooltip' ] ];

Lingo also provides an interface to plug in alternative dictionaries (backends). If you are interested in that, see Semantic Glossary for an example. You can also drop me a mail.

Finally you can provide your own styling. For the classes used by Lingo for the various HTML elements, please have a look at the style file.


Add your wiki here!

You can find other examples on the usage and version matrix



Lingo is a rewrite of extension Terminology, written by BarkerJr with modifications by Benjamin Kahn. Lingo was originally written by Barry Coughlan and is currently maintained by WikiTeq.

Lingo makes use of the jQuery qTip2 library.


Bugs and feature requests should preferably be reported on the Wikimedia bug tracker.

Comments, questions and suggestions should be sent or posted to:
