
MediaWiki extensions manual
Release status: beta
Implementation MyWiki , Tag , Locale
Description Her sayfada, ziyaretçiler için de bir dil seçici sağlar; ziyaretçi dilinin otomatik algılanması
Author(s) Daniel Kinzler (Duesentriebmesaj)
Latest version 1.0.0
MediaWiki 1.19+
Database changes No
License GPL
Example translatewiki.net

  • $wgLanguageSelectorDetectLanguage
  • $wgLanguageSelectorLanguages
  • $wgLanguageSelectorLocation
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LanguageSelector uzantısı, anonim ziyaretçiler için kullanılacak arabirim dilinin algılanmasını ve oturum açmış kullanıcılar ve anonim ziyaretçiler için her sayfada kullanıcı dilini seçmek için bir menü sağlar. Ayrıca, seçiciyi viki sayfalarına ve sistem mesajlarına katıştırmak için ek bir <languageselector> etiketi sağlar.

Dil algılama, HTTP isteğinin bir parçası olarak tarayıcı tarafından gönderilen Kabul Et Dili başlığına dayanır. Kullanıcılar ayrıca tercih ettikleri dili açıkça belirleyebilirler. Bu, anonim ziyaretçiler için ayrı bir çerez tarafından ve giriş yapmış kullanıcılar için kullanıcı tercihlerinde ele alınır.

Çok dilli içerik için daha kapsamlı destek için, LanguageSelector, Polyglot uzantısı ile birleştirilebilir.

language detection and cookie-based language preferences for anonymous users currently does not work with page caching (MediaWiki filecache, reverse HTTP proxies like squid, etc). It may degrade cache performance and render the cache useless, and it may lead to people seeing the page in a random language. Mediawiki's internal caches (parser, link, query, etc) are not affected.


  • Download and move the extracted LanguageSelector folder to your extensions/ directory.
    Developers and code contributors should install the extension from Git instead, using:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/LanguageSelector
  • Add the following code at the bottom of your LocalSettings.php file:
    wfLoadExtension( 'LanguageSelector' );
  •   Done – Navigate to Special:Version on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.

To users running MediaWiki 1.35 or earlier:

The instructions above describe the new way of installing this extension using wfLoadExtension(). If you need to install this extension on these earlier versions (MediaWiki 1.35 and earlier), instead of wfLoadExtension( 'LanguageSelector' );, you need to use:

require_once "$IP/extensions/LanguageSelector/LanguageSelector.php";



You can specify the following settings in your LanguageSelector.php (after including the extension file):

Languages to be offered to the user for selection. If set to NULL (the default), all languages known to MediaWiki (by $wgExtraLanguageNames ) are considered. If the Polyglot extension is installed and $wgPolyglotLanguages is set, that value will be used as a fallback. Setting $wgLanguageSelectorLanguages to a shorter list may be more convenient for users than selecting from a list with more than a hundred mostly useless entries. This variable must be an array, so you can declare it like this:
$wgLanguageSelectorLanguages = array( "en", "es", "pt" );

The codes "en", "es" and "pt" stand for English, Spanish and Portuguese respectively.

$wgLanguageSelectorShowCode (since rev:55711)
whether to show language codes before the native language name. Default is false;
Language detection mode for anonymous visitors. Possible values:
  • LANGUAGE_SELECTOR_USE_CONTENT_LANG: do not use detection, always use the wiki's content language (this is mediawiki's normal behavior).
  • LANGUAGE_SELECTOR_PREFER_CONTENT_LANG: use the wiki's content language, setting, if accepted by the client.
  • LANGUAGE_SELECTOR_PREFER_CLIENT_LANG: use the client's preferred language, if it is in $wgLanguageSelectorLanguages.
where to inject the language selector widget. Note that you will probably have to adjust your CSS styles to adopt the language selector to your wiki's style. Possible values of $wgLanguageSelectorLocation:
  • LANGUAGE_SELECTOR_MANUAL: do not show language selector. This can be useful if you only want to use the auto-detection feature, or only want the selector on a few pages, or if you want to place it manually by putting it into an appropriate system message.
  • LANGUAGE_SELECTOR_AT_TOP_OF_TEXT: inject a dropdown box at the top of page content. This is the default, but it looks quite ugly without extra CSS rules applied.
  • LANGUAGE_SELECTOR_IN_TOOLBOX: inject a dropdown box at the bottom of the toolbox in the sidebar. This only works with the MonoBook skin, or skins explicitly supporting the MonoBookTemplateToolboxEnd hook.
  • LANGUAGE_SELECTOR_AS_PORTLET: inject the language selector as a portlet in the sidebar, similar to how interlanguage-links are shown. Works with MonoBook skin, may also work with some SkinTemplate-based skins.
  • LANGUAGE_SELECTOR_INTO_SITENOTICE: inject a dropdown box at the end of the sitenotice text. Ugly without additional CSS rules applied. Works with MonoBook skin, may also work with some SkinTemplate-based skins.
  • LANGUAGE_SELECTOR_INTO_TITLE: inject a dropdown box at the end of the page title. Ugly without additional CSS rules applied. Works with MonoBook skin, may also work with some SkinTemplate-based skins.
  • LANGUAGE_SELECTOR_INTO_SUBTITLE: inject a dropdown box at the end of the subtitle. Ugly without additional CSS rules applied. Works with MonoBook skin, may also work with some SkinTemplate-based skins.
  • LANGUAGE_SELECTOR_INTO_CATLINKS: inject a dropdown box at the end of the category box. Ugly without additional CSS rules applied. Works with MonoBook skin, may also work with some SkinTemplate-based skins.


$wgLanguageSelectorDetectLanguage = LANGUAGE_SELECTOR_USE_CONTENT_LANG;
$wgLanguageSelectorLocation = LANGUAGE_SELECTOR_IN_TOOLBOX;