
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:LDAPSyncAll and the translation is 50% complete.
This extension is part of the LDAP Stack and requires the LDAPProvider extension to be installed first.

This extension provides a mechanism to synchronize users in the database and users in active directory.

MediaWikin laajennukset-ohje
Julkaisustatus: vakaa
Kuvaus Käytetään synkronoimaan käyttäjiä
Tekijä(t) Cindy Cicalese, Mark A. Hershberger, Robert Vogel
Viimeisin versio 1.0.0
Yhteensopivuuskäytäntö Snapshots releases along with MediaWiki. Master is not backward compatible.
MediaWiki 1.31+
Lisenssi GNU General Public License 2.0 tai myöhempi
  • $wgUserPageContent
  • $wgExcludedUsernames
  • $wgUsersSyncMechanism
  • $wgBlockExecutorUsername
  • $wgExcludedGroups
Quarterly downloads 32 (Ranked 107th)
Voit kääntää LDAPSyncAll-laajennuksen mikäli se on saatavilla translatewiki.netissä
Ongelmat Avoimet tehtävät · Raportoi ongelmasta
  • If a user is in LDAP, but not in the database => the user is added to the database
  • If a user is in the database, but not in LDAP => the user account will be disabled in the database


Execute within MediaWiki root or add mediawiki/ldap-sync-all to the composer.json file of your projectː

composer require mediawiki/ldap-sync-all dev-REL1_31


Add the following line to your LocalSettings.phpː

wfLoadExtension( 'LDAPSyncAll' );


The extension provides a maintenance script that you can simply run from your console PHP maintenance/SyncLDAPUsers.php. In addition, there is a RunJobsTriggerHandler that runs once a day.


You need to add the following line in your LocalSettings.php. Don't forget to change "Admin" to the username who has admin permissions. This user disables accounts that are not in LDAP.

$GLOBALS['LDAPSyncAllBlockExecutorUsername'] = 'Admin';

You can specify usernames and usergroups that you want to exclude from disabling, for example:

$GLOBALS['LDAPSyncAllExcludedUsernames'] = [ 'Bob', 'Emily' ];

$GLOBALS['LDAPSyncAllExcludedGroups'] = [ 'bot', 'editor' ];