
Low-level documentation for the different errors produced during file import.

Code Description Cause
uploadDisabled Read-only wiki. Wiki configuration
userPermissionsError User does not have the upload permission. User permissions
userBlocked Uploading user is locally blocked. User blocked
userGloballyBlocked Uploading user is globally blocked. User blocked
revisionMissingField Missing field when importing a FileRevision. Mismatch between source and target schemas? Schema error
revisionUnknownField Unknown field when importing a FileRevision. Mismatch between source and target schemas? Schema error
outOfOrder Import operations were called out of order. Program logic error. Logic error
sourceUrlUnparseable Source was an invalid URL. Bad source URL
textFieldMissing Missing field when importing a TextRevision. Mismatch between source and target schemas? Schema error
textFieldUnknown Unknown field when importing a TextRevision. Mismatch between source and target schemas? Schema error
duplicateFiles File already exists on the target wiki. This is detected by a hash of the file contents. Conflict
noSourceApiFound Failed to retrieve the source page and parse to find the source wiki's API endpoint. Network error
wrongTextRevisionNamespace Text revision from a non-File namespace found. Schema error
noTitleStateFetched Failed API call to check whether the source title exists.
chunkNotOpened Couldn't open a new file chunk. Filesystem permission or MediaWiki temporary directory configuration problems?
chunkNotSaved Saved file chunk doesn't match expected length. Filesystem full? Filesystem error
operationCommit A step failed while saving imported revisions.
<http status code>
cantimporturl Can't import the given URL.
filetype-mime-mismatch File extension ".…" does not match the detected MIME type of the file (image/…).
<misc upload hooks>
filetoolarge The … file versions you are currently trying to import exceed the file size limit the import can handle.
api-toomanyrevisions Too many revisions returned by the API, can't import.
cantimportfilehidden Can't import file because at least one of its file revisions is hidden.
filemissinginrevision Can't import file because at least one of its revisions is missing an image file.
api-nopagesreturned No pages returned by the remote API.
cantimportfromsharedrepo Can't import files that aren't actually on $1, but hosted on a shared repository.
cantimportmissingfile Can't import a missing file.
api-badinfo Bad image or revision info returned by the API.
api-failedtogetinfo Failed to retrieve file information from: …
commonshelper-retrieval-failed An error occurred while checking for blocked files.
file-missing-required-template This file cannot be imported to MediaWiki because it is not marked with a compatible licence. MediaWiki does not allow such files. This might be resolvable, but most probably means the file is not compatible. Please consult the MediaWiki community policy and talk pages about licensing.
file-contains-blocked-category-template This file cannot be imported to MediaWiki because it is marked as …. MediaWiki does not allow such files. This might be resolvable, but most probably means the file is not compatible. Please consult the MediaWiki community policy and talk pages about licensing.
abusefilter-disallowed AbuseFilter prevented us from saving a file revision.
commonshelper-missing-config Unfortunately, importing files from the source wiki (…) is not yet possible because there is no configuration for the wiki in the [… configuration file list]. For information about setting up a configuration file for the wiki, review FileImporter's configuration file documentation page.
commonshelper-parsing-failed The configuration page for your wiki (…) is incomplete. Please make sure it contains a section "…".
filenameerror-nosourceextension The source file name does not have an extension.
filenameerror-noplannedextension The planned file name does not have an extension.
filenameerror-missmatchextension Target file extension does not match the extension of the original file.
localtitleexists The file name you are currently trying to import to is already in use on this wiki.

Please change the names to clarify that these are different files.

sourcetitleexists The file name you are currently trying to import to is already in use on the source wiki. Conflict
filenameerror-automaticchanges The file name was automatically changed from "…" to "…"
illegalfilenamechars The file name you are currently trying to import to contains invalid filename characters.
filenameerror-illegal The file name you are currently trying to import to is not valid, e.g. because it contains illegal characters.
filenameerror-toolong The file name you are currently trying to import to is too long.
filenameerror-default There is an unknown issue with your filename.
filenameerror-notallowed You're trying to import a file with the extension $1. Files with this extension are not allowed in this wiki. The allowed extensions are: $2. Wiki configuration
<malformed title exception>
<permissions errors>